Ukraine DOES NOT need this type of FLAG!!!!! Because MOSCOW has - TopicsExpress


Ukraine DOES NOT need this type of FLAG!!!!! Because MOSCOW has committed TOOOOO MANY HORRIFIC acts against the Ukrainian Nation. There is NO FORGIVENESS,,,,only distrust -- of Moscow oriented PEACE, and Co-existence !!!!! This flag is SLAP in the face of ALL Ukrainians --- An INSULT to our Integrity!!!! But then again ----if the Russian Government wants to change its National Flag to this Flag------ then there may be room for GOOD DIALOGUE!!!!! But --- Not likely to happen--- I pray that it NEVER HAPPENS!!!! ---------------------------------------------- Shame on these designers!!!!! Draft new state symbols of Ukraine Alex Mitichkin , Russian folk line First, a few words. Im forty-five years. I was born in the city of Melitopol in the south-eastern Ukraine in the family of an officer. My father was the son of the Don Cossacks on horseback, and my mother - local Ukrainian. Unconscious child I was baptized in the village Vyoshenskaya that is the subject of my pride as blood and spiritual involvement in the Cossack family. Only years later, grown up and build up a certain experience, I truly realized themselves as Orthodox. Don steppes, homeland of my ancestors on the paternal side, was for me the same home as the South Ukrainian steppe, where my ancestors lived Ukrainians. After some time his father after the service in the GDR was transferred to serve in Alma-Ata, and then in Taldykorgan. And in the Kazakh steppe Semirechye bordering ridges of Trans-Ili Alatau and Jungar, I also felt like our own - the same feather grass, the same unique smell of wormwood. And even Kazakh national melodies me something reminded Cossacks songs that I heard from childhood on the Don land. In the novel Pikul I have the honor, the main character, narrating the early years of his childhood, says that his baptism he does not remember, but his early childhood experiences associated with the army. The same can be said about me, my childhood took place in the military garrisons, so after the end of eighth grade, I went to Sverdlovsk Suvorov Military School. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk SVU, I entered the Voronezh Higher Military Engineering School of Electronics, only at the time of military educational institution in the world to train specialists in electronic warfare, and reports directly to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1991, already in uniform Lieutenant I arrived at the service of the 14th Guards Army in Transnistria. There, at the junction of Ukraine and Moldova, and ends with the Great Steppe, whose small part and parcel More from childhood began to feel. While serving in Transnistria I participated in the events which had led to the establishment of peace and tranquility in the region. In 1992, while in transit in the hero-city Odessa, I first saw on the building of the railway station instead of the red-and-blue flag of the USSR huge blue and yellow flag with the image of a trident. At that moment I was just mentally depressed by what he saw: the characters and Petliurism Bandera became the state symbols of the new in Ukraine. It was then that I realized that the state symbols - it is the same weapon, and sometimes more powerful, because it is also able to provide a more striking effect of long-term exposure, but on the consciousness of the soul and the will of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. The State symbols Ukraine, blue and yellow flag and trident, from the first days of the new state, is one of the most powerful means of influencing the Ukrainian society, creating in the minds of pre-determined psychohistorical imperatives. Events in Ukraine almost nobody in Russia was indifferent to what is happening. What to say about me, for whom the south-east of Ukraine is the second homeland. Today, Ukraine is split and after the bloody massacre of dozens of people in Odessa and punitive operations in the Donbass is actually already in the hot stage of civil confrontation. Unfortunately, after committed fighters for freedom and purity of the nation crimes Ukraine will not be the same. During the entire period of state sovereignty came to power political forces pursued a policy of nationalist ideological intoxication of the Ukrainian people, especially the younger generation growing up, some of which with skillful manipulation turned into criminals and murderers. For the population of entire regions of Ukraine public authorities came to embody the political nationalist extremism, lies, hypocrisy, Russophobia, suppressing any dissent and civil liberties. The same fate befell the state symbols of the Ukrainian state. Blue and yellow flags with trident now become a symbol of bloody crimes, when the executioners, brutally killing people who do not leave their victims even any chance of mercy and the opportunity to live. Glory to Ukraine - the heroes of Glory, the anthem of Ukraine became the battle cry, password ritual sadists, rapists and murderers. In the context of civil confrontation entire regions of Ukraine rejected such a bloody state symbols, declaring its territory free from state fascism and nationalism. Flag of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk is a symbol of national resistance southeast of Ukraine. For defenders Slavianska, Kramatorsk and other towns and villages of Donbass blue and yellow flag was the identification mark punitive, symbol of violence, destruction and death. But even in these circumstances, even for a moment we can not forget that the seizure of political power and the strength of their henchmen - this is not the whole of Ukraine. By embarking on the path of punitive and protecting their homes and their land, self-defense fighters southeast with their lives give hope to people all over Ukraine, who also do not agree with what is happening, who think differently, who does not want to live in a totalitarian fascist state. Resist the lower part of the country makes it more of a chance that the weak in spirit gain strength, indifferent wake up, see the light deceived and misguided repent. But an integral and essential component of conflict is often the XXI century is a confrontation in the information space. If clashes while localized separate population centers in eastern Ukraine, the information war is waged in the all-Ukrainian information field. By disabling Russian television channels and blocking opposition Internet resources, Ukraine became a territory of the information mayhem. Information efforts of the major Ukrainian media and television channels controlled seized power in the countrys financial and political group, primarily focused on the population of Ukraine for the formation loyal to themselves public opinion and to prevent opposition sources. I would like to draw your attention to one thing in common, inherent virtually all television pictures of the events on the south-east - the ubiquitous presence of Russian symbolism and Russian flags, including the buildings of the executive and the legislature. One of the main priority tasks of the current Kiev authorities and serving the interests of their information channels is the creation of the Russian image of the enemy, the aggressor and the source of all the misfortunes of the Ukrainian people. Constant reminders in the Ukrainian media about the recent developments in the Crimea, where as in the present abundance of Russian symbolism, comparisons with virtually the same television picture with the south-east, adding scenes neglect, and often simply destruction of the Ukrainian symbolism contribute misinformation about the real population of Ukraine to the protest movement in these areas. The presence of Russian flags and symbols in the opposition movement in Ukraine issued for shares of Russian terrorists and spies, and first of all this information with pleasure swallowed by the Western media. It comes down to the fact that the protesters are trying to prove their Ukrainian citizenship, showing reporters his Ukrainian passport. All of the above greatly facilitates the work promaydanovskim political consultants to create vital to the illegitimate regime of information covering upcoming actions to suppress the protest movement of opposition-minded citizens of Ukraine, giving them for the destruction of allegedly encroached on the territorial integrity of the country external aggressor. In the presence of the supporters of federalization not only regional but also the all-Ukrainian symbols and flags, with elements of the population of Ukraine easily recognizable national historical characters in power would be much less opportunity for fraud and manipulation of information of public opinion, which would contribute to the growth of the protest movement. Prior to the second of May for me personally, the most inhumane of the modern history of Ukraine was video footage from the night Maidan, where over the mutilated dying policeman dressed in neo-Nazi symbolism and brutalized by the blood of his executioners wrapped Ukrainian flags enthusiastically sing the anthem of Ukraine. After the massacre of people in Odessa, possible with the connivance and assistance of the authorities may, for many citizens of Ukraine became apparent all the criminal nature of the current Ukrainian statehood, its national anthem and flag, which became a symbol of bloody crimes against their own citizens. In this situation, it becomes clear that at the moment there is still no new national Ukrainian symbols that reflect the political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views of millions of people in Ukraine, in the sense that the national idea should unite, not divide society. The project flag and emblem of Ukraine Your Shield on Gateway of Constantinople Your Shield on Gateway of Constantinople At the very beginning of the project task was to identify the main colors of the flag. In the first place it was necessary to deal with the cause of rejection by many people blue-yellow coloring of the flag of Ukraine, while distancing himself from the official version of the origin and history of the flag, taking as an object of study only the fact that the negative perception of blue-yellow color combination. According to scientific papers dealing with the effects of color on the psycho-intellectual state of the person, the color appeals to the senses, and not to the logic of human rights. Studies show that 80% of color and light are absorbed by the nervous system and only 20% - sight. Color has some information and provokes emotions, so is one of the elements of symbolism in various situations, including in relation to the state and attributes. Blue and yellow are the colors contrasting dissonant, that is poorly suited to the color combinations. We can assume that this particular color disharmony explained one of the reasons of the negative perception of Ukrainian flag by many people. In addition, it is impossible not to mention that there are several historical versions advent of the modern flag of Ukraine. According to one of them, peremetnuvshiesya the Swedes led by Mazepa Cossacks, on the eve of the Battle of Poltava received as unmarked Neck scarves colors of the Swedish flag. Every nation has a universal color, we can say, holding a dominant position. According to this criterion, white, blue and red flag of Russia are consistent with the spirit of the Russian people. The same colors are most characteristic of ethnic and cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people, one of the three main branches of the Russian ethnos. To reach this conclusion, it is enough to look at the colors of national costumes, without touching the other monuments of history, culture, religion and way of life of the Ukrainian people. Formed over centuries of collective subconscious memory of the Ukrainian nation is included in the hard conflict with the implanted actively farmed stereotypes, including such as the colors of the Ukrainian flaga.Eschё one of the major contradictions of the modern Ukrainian society is the question of spiritual succession of Ukrainian statehood in the context of the immediate historical prospects. Recent events in Ukraine leaves no doubt that the forces to seize political power, focused not only on short-term projects Russophobe nationalist Ukrainian independence that took place in the history of Ukraine in the first half of the 20th century, but also to the bloody collaborationist pro-fascist regimes during the Second World War. There is no doubt that the majority of Ukrainian society there is an understanding that modern Ukraine should be not only legal, but also the spiritual successor to the USSR. One of the symbols of the Ukrainian SSR was red-blue flag. Red-blue flag Based on the foregoing, the only logically correct alternative as a flag for Ukraine can become a white-red-blue flag. Flag Adding white to red and the blue represents the change in the status of the Ukrainian SSR with the Federal Republic on the status of an independent state. White color in this context - the color denoting freedom and independence, an evolutionary upgrade of Ukrainian statehood. In addition, white, red and blue - the colors, indicating the spiritual, historical and even kinship with the Slavic states, primarily Russia. White and red combination points to the historical relationship with Belarus and Poland. And, of course, white, red and blue - the color corresponding to the Orthodox spiritual essence of the state of Ukraine. So, the reasons for which the white-red-blue flag may be a flag of Ukraine, the following: 1. White, red and blue colors are most characteristic of ethnic and cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people; 2. The combination of red and blue with white points to the inseparable historical connection state of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; 3. White, red and blue - the colors of the national flag in most Slavic countries; 4. White, red and blue colors indicate the role of Orthodoxy in the development of the Ukrainian nation and the Christian essence of the Ukrainian state. The most difficult stage in this project - is the development of the coat of arms. It was decided to leave the trident one of the main elements of an alternative emblem of Ukraine, giving this symbolism completely different spiritual fulfillment. Referring to a poem by Alexander Pushkins The Song of Oleg the Wise. Four lines of this poem became a kind of leitmotif in the development of the coat of arms. Remember as you are now my word: Warmaster glory - joy, victory glorified thy name; thy shield on the gates of Constantinople, amazing genius of Pushkin allows these lines to see not only a personal appeal to the prince sorcerer Oleg, but going through the century call for each of us not to forget their historical roots and remember the sacred shield accessory that each of the children. Losing historical memory - we lose the shield, losing shield - we lose amulet protects us, not giving us dissolve into a faceless crowd who have forgotten their national identity of the peoples (unfortunately, this is what happens with the younger generation of Ukraine to the twenty-first century). Since we are all together form the society, and modern society can not exist outside of the state, these words directly addressed throughout an all-Russian statehood - as Russian and Ukrainian. Therefore, the last line of this quatrain was the spiritual basis for the creation of the coat of arms of Ukraine within the framework of the project. In developing the Ukrainian flag in the context of the nearest historical perspective using traditional national colors to show the continuity of the current Ukrainian state of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In drawing up the coat of arms was placed emphasis on the spiritual and religious origins of the ancient Russian state, which is the cradle of both Ukrainian and Russian statehood. Developed within the framework of the project coat of arms of Ukraine is a rectangular, with rounded bottom corners, pointed at the tip of crimson heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle with raised wings. On the breast of an eagle - board with red mindaleobrazny symmetric ornament gold / yellow trident on the contour and gold / yellow in the center. mindaleobrazny red shield First of all, in the alternative Ukrainian coat of arms was necessary to show that the current state of Ukraine has its origins in ancient statehood. The basis of the ancient Russian state was the princes and military education, so mindaleobrazny red shield with a trident in the center - a symbol of Kievan Rus and its founders princes Rurik. The main historical factor in the further development of the whole paradigm of the ancient Russian state, were military, political, cultural and later religious relations with the Orthodox Byzantine Empire. Nёsshaya a passionate charge of Kievan Rus, eventually became a powerful military and political force. In the 907 th year if the capital of the empire romeyskoy first saw nailed to their gates shield with double-headed bird (probably a dissected from head to tail sacrificial black crow), attributed to the chronicle legend veschemu Prince Oleg. Your shield on the gates of Constantinople! - Is the leitmotif of the emblem lines of the poem Pushkin refers to this episode of the history of relations between Ancient Rus and Byzantium. A few years before this Oleg announced Kiev mother of Russian cities, so Byzantium won not just armed squad, and princely army of Kievan Rus, already have signs of an all-Russian statehood. The simplest interpretation of the above and have found their reflection in the arms of historical events, arises from understanding heraldic rectilinear shapes and colors. Gold / yellow and red two-headed eagle shield - Prince Oleg nailed to the gate double-headed bird to the prince shield. Its just a fixation occurred historical events through the use of heraldic symbols. More important is to understand the deep spiritual and religious meaning inherent in the coat of arms. Without resorting to an authoritative historical literature, again turn to the poem of Alexander Pushkins Song of Wise Oleg: Buckets circular, zapenyas, hiss at funeral feast deplorable Oleg: Prince Igor and Olga sitting on the hill; Militia feasting at Brega, after the death Prophetic Oleg Prince Igor and Olga went up to the princely throne, colorful allegory which is a hill in the poem. Piruyuschaya below the shore squad logically completes the picture existed in Russia pyramid princes and military power. What is surprising is that not a prince - the master and the woman, Princess Olga, the first could not, without changing the very structure of power, light a flame in its basis, eventually became unquenchable flame of an entirely different religious and spiritual content. For the first time Russia was baptized in 957, in the face of St Princess Olga, who came to this Constantinople. Baptized her the patriarch himself, who has blessed sacrament by Olga Endowment cross with the inscription: The Earth Russian erected for the life of God through baptism blessed Olga (Russian Symphony, Metropolitan John Snychёv). But this was only the first steps in the coming triumph of Orthodoxy in Russia. Despite the fact that in the absence of a son - a militant Svyatoslav - Olga was the ruler of the country, Christianity in Russia, even using her patronage, not to vaccinate. There were churches and Christian communities, but only in large commercial cities, where there is always going to people of different faiths. But the people continued to live in paganism ... Saints Princess Olga - not given to fade away in the people weak spark of Christianity, which broke out in the bright light of Holy Russia as a result of the miraculous treatment of her grandson - Prince Vladimir ( Russian Symphony , Metropolitan John Snychёv). In 988 Prince Vladimir married a Byzantine princess Anna, first baptized himself and then baptized in the waters of the Dnieper all Kiev. At the end of the X century entered into the font of holy baptism tribes glades, Drevlyane, Krivichi Vyatichi, Radimichi and other Slavs. Came out of the font - the Russian people. Since then, and Russian history begins. For it pleased the Lord to reveal here the miracle of baptism, which started serving the millennial Catholic and Orthodox sovereign people ( Russian Symphony , Metropolitan John Snychёv). In fact, the Byzantine Orthodoxy became the basis for the emergence, development and existence now Old Russian Orthodox statehood. One of the heirs of all-Russian state, the center of which was Kiev, Ukraine is a modern state. Gold / yellow two-headed eagle - a symbol of Byzantine Orthodoxy. Now the ancient Russian state and its successors on their external borders to protect the Orthodox Church against external enemies. Historical, religious and spiritual connection of Kievan Rus and Byzantium as strong as firmly nailed to the Golden Gate of Constantinople mindaleobrazny red shield, symbolizing the ancient Russian state. mindaleobrazny red shield After the adoption of Prince Vladimir, known as Vladimir the Red Sun, Orthodoxy, depicted in the center of the red shield of the trident, or falls falcon, ceased to be just a generic sign Rurik. Now he has become a symbol of the Holy Trinity, the dogmatic teaching of which - the basis of all of Orthodox Christianity. Located along the contour of the shield closed ornamental gold / yellow color, a symbol of the Sun and Life also has a deeper religious meaning. At the top of the ornament is a central link hristogrammu Constantine in conjunction with the monogram of Christ, the Alpha and the Omega. : Alpha and Omega: jpg Monogram XP symbolizes Christ himself, his patronage, through suffering to them and gave mankind the victory over death. According to legend, the Byzantine emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, he saw a sign in the sky, which was hristogramma on a background of the sun. Emperor Constantine took Christ as the Sun of eternal life. According to another legend, this sign appeared in a dream to the emperor, and a voice said to him, Sim won! Monogram XP has become a symbol not only of military victories of the first Christian emperor of Byzantium, but also a symbol of the triumph of the Ecumenical Orthodoxy. Monogram Alpha and Omega symbolizes the eternity of Christ: Azm am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. In 1240 the troops of the Horde of Batu Khan was captured and razed to the ground Kiev, which has not been the center of a unified Russian state - feuding princes torn Russia apart. In the two years before that, in 1238, defeated a combined army of Vladimir-Suzdal princes. Were captured, destroyed and ruined Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir and Suzdal. After the attack in 1939 on South Russia Batu same sad fate suffered Pereyaslavl, Chernigov, Kiev, Vladimir-Volyn and other southern Russian city. Russia was finally defeated. In the midst of such a devastating disaster that engulfed the entire country, only one side of Russian life, the will of God, escaped from the defeat. Unaltered and intact in his salvific activity resisted Orthodox Church, saved from the fury of the conquerors wonderful vision, repent ferocious Genghis Khan before the invasion of the Russian land ( Russian Symphony , Metropolitan John Snychёv). Once united state of Kievan Rus ceased to exist. Ruthenian principality gradually lost its independence and communication with the general Russian statehood, staying in certain periods of its history as a part of the Catholic states. But it Orthodoxy, in 988 received from Byzantium, was for most of the Russian people of South and West Russia the unifying force which allowed to preserve their national identity as a Russian Orthodox people. Apologists like rusofobstva do not knows and what was known throughout Europe XV - XVI centuries, namely, the original historical Rus included later in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, in part, had its own heraldic emblem, and emblem of the double-headed eagle was ( AG power of Heraldry Orthodox Church). Below are the heraldic emblems western Russian lands in question. On four coats of arms of the five color representation, which is shown by a bunch of eagle / crows and heraldic shield, repeat gold / yellow and black colors of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire, and therefore their symbolic value. Emblems of the western Russian principalities Emblems of the western Russian principalities Can not ignore the Russian national liberation movement in Ukraine, the core of which was the Cossacks. In 1654, a historic event known as Pereyaslav Rada, in which representatives of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky was publicly decided to merge the territory of Zaporizhia Army with Russian kingdom strapped oath of allegiance to the king. Shows a fragment of a speech in front of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cossack officers during glad: ... the knowledge of what all of you, as God delivered us from the hands of enemies who persecute the church of God and embitter all our Orthodox Christian East, which for six years living without the Emperor in our land in the incessant battles and bloodshed with the persecutors and enemies of ours, though eradicate the church of God, so that the name of the Russian was not mentioned in our land that we all already Velma bothering .; ... Orthodox Good Russian Emperor, the King and Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of all Russia East, there is a single contact piety Greek law, the only confession is one esmi body Orthodox Church of Great Russia, the head of the haves Jesus Christ.; ... Great Emperor, King Christian, took pity on the intolerable bitterness of the Orthodox Church in our Little Russia, six years of our incessant prayers will not despise, now his royal heart gracious to us slopes, its great people near to us with his royal highness deigned to send. Of speech Khmelnytsky follows that Cossacks considered themselves Russian Orthodox people, and his land - Russian Earth. After the oath of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and elders, handing hetman royal flag, mace and symbolic clothing, head of the Russian Embassy Boyar Buturlin speech, which indicates the origin of the power of the Russian tsars from the power of St. Vladimir of Kiev and emphasized the role as the former Tsarist / prince capital. Based on the historical fact of signing Pereyaslav Rada on the Treaty of Accession to the territory of the Zaporozhian Muscovy, as well as speeches Hetman Khmelnytsky and Boyar Buturlina made at Rada, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. Cossacks considered themselves Russian Orthodox people, united in their belief to the Great Russian Orthodox people of Muscovy; 2. Zaporozhye army was not state-territorial and armed structured form the most passionate of the Russian Orthodox people Little Russia, the former south-western part of the Old Russian state Kievan Rus; 3. Most of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks aspired to be part of a single all-Russian Orthodox statehood, the bearer of which was Muscovy, the origins of which were once a common ancient state of Kievan Rus. As examples of heraldic symbols of Zaporizhia troops can cause personal coat of arms and banner of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, as well as drawings of the Cossack ensign regiments of the time. Personal coat of arms and banner of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Personal coat of arms and banner of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Prapory Zaporizhzhya Troops Prapory Zaporizhzhya Troops At the governmental portal of Ukraine said about the relationship of modern Ukrainian state symbols with the symbols of Zaporizhia troops. But the illustrations emblem, banner and prapory virtually no correlation with the modern symbols of Ukraine. The State symbols should reflect not only historical, spiritual and religious aspects of the emergence and establishment of statehood, but is primarily a landmark invariant system of political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views that exist at the moment in a particular State and its components essentially national idea . Developed within the framework of this project alternative coat of arms of Ukraine, linking past and present, giving detailed answers on the facing state heraldry questions: Two-headed golden eagle on the crimson red mindaleobraznym Old Russian shield on the chest symbolizes the Ukrainian statehood, rooted to the times of Kievan Rus, the spiritual and public-policy guidance which was Orthodox Byzantium. Two-headed eagle symbolizes great power and conservatism of the state system. The body of the eagle symbolizes the state itself, which converge at one point and located on the same level of its two heads talk about equality and the relationship of its main parts - the government and the people. Shield on the eagles breast symbolizes going through centuries of glory and the willingness of the state to protect itself. Red shield in addition to the historical belonging to the Kievan Rus recalls shed blood for their country. The images on the shield also have a double meaning: first, it is historical symbols that represent the founders of the ancient Russian state, and secondly, transmit a deep spiritual and religious meaning. Golden two-headed eagle on a crimson field heraldic shield shows spirituality, aspiration to moral perfection of the Ukrainian society. In religious terms - a spirituality based on orthodox values. The state of Ukraine is great - talking about it rotated to the west and east of the head of an eagle. In this interpretation heraldic shield symbolizes the four cardinal points. Ukraine is the West and the East, and with the cultural point of view. Two heads eagle talk about the two main state-forming related ethnic groups of modern Ukraine - Ukrainian and Russian, making the major contribution to the development of statehood. It follows from the understanding and another important characteristic of two symmetrically arranged on the same level goals: equality of the two main national languages are equally used - Ukrainian and Russian. Thus, the flag and coat of arms of Ukraine may look as follows: Flagmindaleobrazny red shield In conjunction with each other, they have the following form: flag and coat of arms of Ukraine
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:34:00 +0000

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