Una deglie migliori sceneggiature tratte dallaereo malese (era un - TopicsExpress


Una deglie migliori sceneggiature tratte dallaereo malese (era un commento di Wired) > (Just getting my oar in the water here, and assuming that the whole thing isnt a totally bogus and stage-managed red herring to distract people from the war drums in Ukraine.) OK, so heres a possible scenario to consider: - Theres a shortage of 777 parts worldwide, with the majority of the 777s being operated in Asia and the Mideast: aviationweek com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_08_05_2013_p44-593219.xml -A parted out 777 is worth several hundreds of millions of dollars more than a complete aircraft. -Organized crime knows this. -Meanwhile,one of the pilots is having severe problems of some sort - personal, marital, financial, whatever. -A criminal organization - Chinese, Russian, Israeli, some combination of the three - discovers this and makes him an offer of some sort. -Alternatively, the pilot is a member - or a relative of a member - in good standing with the criminal organization. -The pilot is given a silenced weapon or similar to kill the other pilot in flight and take over the controls. (9mm Glock, threaded barrel with 85g Airshocks?) Planes are still noisy enough to hide the popping sound a silenced pistol still makes. Plus most passengers are asleep since this is a night flight. No one notices that anything has happened, and no alarms are raised. -The single pilot then changes course and altitude, shuts down first satellite communications - less likely to be noticed right away - then transponders - this does get noticed - then position markers, etc. (He forgets or is unable to shut down the sat communications completely, hence the continual non directional signal that continues for several hours.) He dons his supplemental oxygen mask and takes the plane to 45,000 and depressuizes the plane briefly to kill the passengers and cabin crew. This is the Passengers Dead scenario.. -He then returns to 32,000 and re-pressurizes. Since this is the altitude that will afford him the greatest range, he does not descend further. He throttles back to conserve fuel and heads West into the night. Cabin heat and lights are turned off, and the aircraft interior becomes like a meat locker, and for a reason. -Alternatively, in the Passengers Alive scenario, he takes the plane to 45,000, knocking out everybody on board then returns to 32,000, but only re pressurizes to, say, 18,000 feet. The passengers remain alive but unconscious. All cabin lights are extinguished. He then proceeds to head West. -Continuing with the alternative Passengers Alive scenario, since the planes supplemental pilot oxygen only lasts for so long, in his flight bag he has an oxygen bottle and mask that he dons after an hour or so. These are small and commonly available online, as any pilot can attest. -Alternatively, he has a portable battery powered oxygen concentrator similar to what people with congestive heart failure use. It would provide a steady stream - pulse actually - of oxygen via a cannula such that his personal oxygen level would be similar to what he might experience if he were at, say, 8-10,000 feet. -After several hours He takes the plane down low, very low, skimming the sea so as to fly below any radar tracking. The plane disappears from the radar. Additionally, since it is still probably dark - remember he is heading into the West and darkness, and over the ocean - and his position lights and cabin lights - both extinguished earlier - are off, he is pretty much invisible as well. (The moon would have set in that part of the world by the time he descended, and it would be pitch black:timeanddate com/astronomy/moon/light.html?n=73&month=3&day=8&year=2014&hour=4&min=20&sec=0) -He heads to an island, jungle landing strip, dirt strip, remote derelict airport, whatever in a remote spot. Note that the runway doesnt have to be that long, just long enough to accommodate whats referred to as a short field type landing with full brakes and reverse thrusters. A dirt runway would work well, and a soft/sandy runway would even better help in slowing a landing plane down in a hurry, and in much the same fashion as a runaway truck lane works. Primitive runway and threshold markers - torches, lanterns and such - would be adequate for the job if required. Please note further that the aircraft will not be taking off ever again. -The aircraft is moved into a hanger or shed of sufficient size where it is now hidden. -Alternatively, it - and perhaps the runway as well - is camouflaged in some fashion and cannot be seen from the air. (Digital pattern camouflage nets can be quite effective from the air.) -In the alternative Passengers Alive scenario, armed men now board the aircraft and herd the the terrified passengers into cells. - In either scenario, All personal electronic communication items, esp. cell phonesare found or seized and destroyed immediately . (Since the area is remote, cell phones probably wouldnt work, and at any rate the organization has set up a local cell phone jammer to ensure electronic silence.) -Likewise, all standby and battery power to the plane is disconnected immediately, shutting down any and all avionics and electronic systems on the plane. It is now totally invisible to any sort of remote tracking. (Sort of like pulling out the battery from your cell phone.) -The pilot, despite assurances of a payday and a new life, is killed on the spot so as to cover tracks. - This is unless hes an actual member of the gang of course. But even then the organizers might still chose to whack him. -The plane begins the process of disassembly and parts sale through fronts, tame channels and intermediaries. Any required documentation is skillfully faked, and at any rate the buyers are so desperate for parts and happy to have them that, as long as the parts are genuine, documentation isnt scrutinized too heavily. -As for the passengers - and this is where it truly gets macabre - theyre parted out and sold as well. -In the Passengers Dead scenario, orders are already in place and the dead and well preserved - remember that the cabin heat was turned off at 32,000 feet, creating a flying cold storage locker - passengers organs are harvested for the underground transplant market. Hearts, livers, kidneys, etc. are shipped quickly to desperate and willing buyers worldwide who wont ask too many questions as to the source of the donated organs. Since there were aprox. 250 persons on board, and each persons body parts might fetch, say, 100 thousand dollars or more - telegraph co uk/news/uknews/10146338/Organ-trafficking-a-deadly-trade.html - this can add up to a tidy sum while solving the problem of covering up ones tracks. -In the alternative Passengers Alive scenario, passengers are kept alive in cells, only to be pulled out one by one, killed, then harvested as the orders come in: foreignpolicy com/articles/2011/05/31/the_rise_of_the_red_market en.wikipedia org/wiki/Turistas And so on. -In all, a little venture as described above might net - net not gross - somewhere in the area of one half billion dollars or more total, certainly an incentive to undertake otherwise so risky an enterprise. -And at any rate, it gives you something to think about, an alternative to the whole Terrorists did it! or Theres a false flag in progress! fear mongering. . Feel free to have fun with all this. Just a thought. VicB3
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:11:28 +0000

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