Unconditional Love of Self.. Few people understand the true - TopicsExpress


Unconditional Love of Self.. Few people understand the true meaning of unconditional Love. Love is the glue, That makes relationships between husband and wife, parent and child, and friendships possible. If Love is only understood in a shallow and superficial manner, the relationship becomes impossible and it dissolves. All this is because of the lack of Spiritual Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. This animal state of Mentalism weakens an individuals resolve in Life and living and they become moved about like pawns on the chessboard of Life and are subjected to the mental forces of wishes, wills, and efforts, of other humans stronger than their own. They act on fear, their Mind becomes dysfunctional as it enters into a survival and cunning mode (like the animals) and their dignity becomes damaged and increasing their mental stress. They become dismayed and disheartened followed by anger. The only road they may see and out of their situation is by resorting to a violent behavior and eliminating by whatever means they believe is the offending cause of their pain which underlying cause is fear. The human Mind does not belong on the Animal Plane of Being and when it does operate on that Plane, it violates the Principles of its own Plane of Being and the Mental forces of its own nature. The person becomes straddled between the two Planes of Being and experiences the mental stress and conflict of the two Planes. The person may not be aware of his or her condition because of a lack of awareness. They may not even be aware of the various Mental Planes and states of Being that encompass reality. Scientific verification and knowledge regarding this reality is non-existent and therefore can assistance not be extended to these people on a large scale. There is also the problem that the person in this condition may be an unwilling individual who prefers to stay in their state of misery. This type of person cannot be forced into understanding their condition. Only LOVE and patience will slowly change the individual to the point where a dialogue of trust and friendship can be developed and they are enabled to see their state of Mind for themselves. Then, and only then, can they change the condition for themselves. We can only extend our assistance to them if they are willing to accept. The various Planes of Being affect relationships and friendships as very few people if any will share the exact same Plane of Being. The closer the relative Planes of Being are, the greater the compatibility while the opposite will increase the incompatibility of people. When Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom is understood and shared, then it becomes the central hub of all causes in every individual and like the principles of mathematics is harmony and unity accomplished and the differences become dissolved. In this state can very great things be accomplished because of mutual awareness and understanding. The Mind must never be allowed to stop advancing on the ascending scale of Life. If the Mind stops advancing, it will be subject to entropy or process of decay and terminating in the demise of the physical body. Remember, nothing is allowed to stand still. The appearance of old age and disease in the body is the first sign of entropy and indicates that the Mind is not allowed to advance and grow in an individual because of complacency in personal advancement of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom. People get stuck on a given belief system and prematurely commit themselves to what they believe is the ultimate religion, instantly stunning their Spiritual advancement. True Spiritual growth is an unconditional universal commitment that is not attached to anything. A person becomes universal in their disposition, commitment, and endeavors and will view humanity as one brother/ sisterhood. The person who advanced to this mental state is no longer territorial in their disposition which is an attribute of the animal plane and belongs to the lower parts of human nature. Spiritual growth and advancement is an eternal commitment of the Soul and its manifested body as it grows through various ascending planes of being and causing a perpetual change in the ascension. It is a never ending quest of constant growth from man to archangel because of the Infinite availability of Arcane Knowledge and Wisdom that transcends the finite materialistic and intellectual views in Life. That which Eyes and Ears have not seen or heard. If our entire civilization is allowed to stop advancing Spiritually, it will perish off the face of this planet like the many civilizations before us who have disappeared with barely a trace of their existence. There is a strong possibility that primitive Neanderthal and others may have been the descendants of such a past apocalyptic civilization; traces of de-evolved humans who have fallen so low in the planes of being that they resemble more of a primitive animal than a physical human. Only through many wary ages of retracing its steps over the backward road it has trodden did man reestablished his human consciousness and the freedom that it enabled the him and her of today. But, the road has not ended and it must continue without cessation or interruption. This is the eternal quest of Man –from Man to Archangel and beyond. A knowledge and understanding of SPIRIT is the only way to prevent our human nature from dwelling upon the lower planes of being and the dismay and horror it brings to us while being unaware of the Truth, the direction, and purpose, and the mental firmness of Life it enables. The Spiritually developed person is capable of being self-referred regarding Spiritual Knowledge without having to make a constant reference to literature, persons, or other peoples misinformation. They will speak Knowledge in their own words because it is within the ability of their inner Higher self to do so. No human is excluded or exempted from this, if they only have the desire and will TO KNOW. NEVER allow another person to pull you down to their level. Learn and understand the manifestations of SPIRIT and the LAW that governs the manifestations. It will give you a viewpoint of reality that brings awe in your Life and a deep respect for Nature and the Universe.. There is but ONE LIFE, ONE SPIRIT, from which all manifested Life, Being, and matter proceeds. THE ALL, IS the SOLE Causation of LIFE, LIGHT, and Being.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:56:11 +0000

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