“Understand, forgiveness is NOT saying others were right in - TopicsExpress


“Understand, forgiveness is NOT saying others were right in word(s) or action(s) against you. It doesn’t omit or change the event that occurred. Truth is; the true benefactor of forgiveness is YOU and the people around you. If a person resides in your “Forgiveness” for some this word stirs a turbulent pot of unresolved emotion. Too often we regurgitate the words, “I don’t care, “It doesn’t bother me”, “I’m over it”, or “It doesn’t matter”. Truth is, when a person or situation surfaces in our mind and we notice a constrictive thought or an emotional charge to it, we are in fact NOT over it and that DOES matter! I know folks who remain steadfast in the belief that the only way to one-up someone who has wronged them or hurt their feelings, is to armor with a thick layer of denial, proclaiming “I will NEVER forgive (or forget)”, yet outwardly mutter they’re “over it”, “it doesn’t affect them” but on a lower conscious level they harbor ill will. Never fully releasing this energy from the person or event is toxic to your well-being, mentally, emotionally and spiritually head and stirs unpleasant emotions for you….ask yourself this, “Is there a benefit to you with them governing control over your heart and mind?” Many of us have had our feelings hurt or wronged at some point in our life, some in very traumatizing ways, but we make the choice to live ½ charged lives or live whole by walking head on into your wound(s) and processing it. It’s up to us individually – I invite you to consider valuing the precious gift of your heart and life by forgiving yourself, and others. Wish joy, happiness and pace to all you meet, after all isn’t that what you want? In return your heart and mind will be free and your world is much richer.” From my heart to yours, Teri transcending-turbulence
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:47:27 +0000

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