Unfortunately, many Christians think they can buy a motorcycle, - TopicsExpress


Unfortunately, many Christians think they can buy a motorcycle, wear a vest with a cross on their back and that makes them a motorcycle ministry. While showing up at a motorcycle gathering and handing out tracts is a way to honor God and display your Christianity, if you don’t educate yourself in the biker culture, you will only scratch the surface. I’m not saying that God can’t bless that kind of ministry, because God’s Word is never without His anointing. The Word will accomplish what It is sent to do and will not return void. However, scripture in Romans 1:13 says “I would not have you ignorant, brethren” . . . and then goes on talking about ministry to Gentiles - - which was as foreign and disdainful to them as outlaw bikers are in many churches now days. Think about it! We train missionaries in the language and cultural differences of the mission field they feel called to. Our Christian Colleges train them before sending them out. It would behoove anybody with the passion for biker ministry to seek education in the foreign culture of outlaw bikers before putting on Christian colors. Unfortunately, most motorcycle ministries don’t understand the serious missteps that can be made by untrained motorcycle ministries. Also, get familiar with the language (biker lingo) so you don’t wince in their face when you hear something unfamiliar or uncomfortable. Oh yes . . . they’ll hone in on that wince you tried to hide. In this culture, one’s ability to read body language can mean life or death and they can read you like a book.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:56:30 +0000

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