Unleash Your Mind! Know the truth about the Gregorian - TopicsExpress


Unleash Your Mind! Know the truth about the Gregorian calender! Indigenous Calendars which follow Celestial and Earth patterns. They are based on Cosmic & Earthly Nature, not money, power, or profit. Most Indigenous societies recognize the Spring or Celestial movements around that time as a new year (revolution around the sun). It is when Nature, of which human beings are under direct influence, wakes up from it’s winter slumber of rest, reflection, and regeneration. Also, there is no need for leap years because the year starts at different sun intervals every solar revolution. Not only do they have our time all screwed up now thanks to ‘Daylight Savings’, but they also have us ‘out of sync’ with the Universe due to the Calendar they have forced us to use. The Gregorian Calendar (the one we use today) is WRONG. Not only is it wrong, but it’s actually unhealthy for us to use because it throws us off balance with the rest of the Universe. The Egyptians, Druids, Incas, Polynesians (etc.) and even the Mayans (which had the most complex and correct calendar in history) used the 13 Moons (Months) calendar. In fact, almost every single indigenous tribe on Earth used the 13 Moon Calendar, including Native Americans. A week had 7 days and a Moon had 4 weeks. BUT each Moon had only 28 days. 28×13 = 364 days + 1 day “out of time”. This was a day of love and peace, a day of meditation and happiness, one day before the new year. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the days of the moon (month) and the days of the week line up perfectly, week-to-week and moon-to-moon. This makes the 13 Moon/28-day calendar a perpetual calendar. Why don’t we use it anymore? The calendar was changed by the Pope Gregorius (Gregory XIII), that’s why our calendar is called the Gregorian Calendar. The result is a chaotic calendar, very hard to follow, but most importantly, it is out of phase with the Universe. We have Months with 28, 30 and 31 days, and once every 4 years, February has 29 days! Unacceptable! The harmonious Moon calendar is very logical and simple to follow. Each week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday. The 1st day of every month will always be a Monday, and the 7th always a Sunday. This makes it easy to plan way ahead and reestablishes our connection to the Universe. Please take this in consideration while we make reflections about what didnt do or gonna do...dont be hard on yourself and if you are staying home reflect on the rhythms of the Universe you are not alone. We are one my friends. May this day be blessed and the next ones to come. Aho metacuyasin, for all my relations,Ase, Ometeotl.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:12:01 +0000

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