Unless Your Righteousness Exceeds...... A Repost from June 9, - TopicsExpress


Unless Your Righteousness Exceeds...... A Repost from June 9, 2014 The Kingdom of God is our Heavenly Fathers strategy for unfolding the prophetic destiny of the devil and his angels. Gods government is a spiritual government that invades darkness and the demonic forces of the god of this world. Gods prophetic process is to use the prophets to reveal Gods plan for mankind. Weve turned personal prophesy into the end all and be all and now self-appointed prophets prophe-lie, prophesying peace when there is no peace. They are stealing the words of other prophets because many prophets are not hearing God but only hearing the god of their imagination. Consequently so many of the prophesies sound alike and are really only general statements like, brother, God is moving by His Spirit in this season of your life and you are about to experience the breakthrough youve been waiting for. That thing youve been believing for is about to happen now, just wait on it. And often times these so called prophets are prophesying to people who are stiff-necked and carnal and only want what God will do for them but dont want to be who God has called them to be for Him. When present-day prophets, self-appointed begin to hear the truth of the Kingdom and become as children submitting to Gods governing reign the Father immediately curtails the prophetic inclinations and spends time working on them deliver them from the hypocrisy of religion that taught them how to prophesy and builds in the present-day prophet a new integrity where they are no longer impressed with their own gifting nor are they impressed by people needing them. The 21st century Kingdom prophet dare not open their mouth if God has not said. These prophets care nothing for the titles given them and silently they move along in the course of their ministry prophesying only when they have a receive instead of thinking that they have to prophesying because someone is so called pulling on their gift. Todays authentic prophets are becoming silent as they study the Kingdom and they are watching authentic apostles take the lead in laying the foundation of the Church. The apostles and prophets who have submitted their gifting to Kingdom realities are now walking in a new dimension where their integrity is being developed through submission and their sensitivity to God is becoming ever more keen, and that without 40 days of fasting. Unless you understanding the Kingdom of God your apostolic and prophetic gifting are at risk of being out of order, you have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge. This reality rings true also for evangelists, pastors and teachers. Every gifted minister in their ministry must subject themselves to Jesus preached doctrine of the Kingdom of God or their ministry risk being one immature in its expression no matter how large a crowd is drawn. Sometimes its not a ministers anointing people are responding to but their charisma. Are you an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, then voluntarily subject your gift to the teaching ministry of Jesus and let Him teach you the doctrine of the Kingdom. Without understanding Jesus preached doctrine of the Kingdom your gift is not properly submitted to the one who gifted you. This also rings true for you consecrated bishops who in your religious pride have raised the Episcopos ceremony as a solemn occasion but you too have not properly discerned the Kingdom and I hear tell that there be some of you bishops who erroneously believe anything preached from the Bible is Kingdom. You fail to recognize the specificity of the message Jesus gave or your responsibility as bishops, superintendents to help pastors maintain the integrity of the doctrine. But then again, how could you do your assignment when many of you think that your bishop-prick is to make you like a T.D. Jakes who pontificates in so much error but the elders that follow him are like penguins in their black and white, they mean well, but the demons of religion dont care nothing about any of that, and you ignorantly in a proud and puffed up knowledge of scripture havent come back to learn the central message of Jesus, that the Kingdom is to be preached as the essential good news. Youve got the doctrine of salvation down pat, but youve missed the Kingdom message Jesus preached and only accentuate the hypocrisy that religion has become without the doctrine of the Kingdom as Christ preached it. Elders and deacons, trustees and the members in the pew please understand that no one that is born again is exempt from making Gods Kingdom and righteousness their number one priority and serving as Ambassadors of the King and His Kingdom. Gods strategic plan invaded the forces of darkness, even the darkness that religion has become. Ambassador Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:30:44 +0000

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