Update from Tim...... 8 Jul - Wow the morning came fast with a 4 - TopicsExpress


Update from Tim...... 8 Jul - Wow the morning came fast with a 4 30 sunrise and all I did was toss and turn. However God is very good and brings new mercy with the sunrise. So devo went well and breakfast of jam,bread, and tea was good and has done allot to loosen my jeans by a size. Heck of a diet plan - go on a mission trip - I recommend it to all Christians. I have two more days here so I am off to teach the children and show them the power of Him who lives in me. Teaching went fast today. I taught the younger class the cardinal numbers up to 10 and the older class 10 new vocabulary words (action verbs) ending in -ing. After class, four of the students wanted a picture with me so I had my picture made with them. At 1530 we are going to a mountain or place with large rocks as part of my cultural experience here in Mongolia. Agii just came in very excited as he ordered 60 horsurs for the picnic he is planning at the rocky place. He thinks he is working me too hard and I should enjoy a picnic. He is a very nice man and I am glad to know him as my christian brother! A mongolian picnic. This is a first for me. The picnic was a good time. There was not a lack of food that is for sure. We took two of the local girls (20 yrs old) the Onee and Azayaa have been working with and witnessing too. The rocky area reminded me of when we were driving from Ohio to Arizona. A lot like Sedona also. Huge rocks piles up on each other. As I sat on the cleft of a huge rock thinking about how God put Moses in the cleft of a rock and then covered him with His hand as he passed, the other side of the coin hit me. This entire time I have been very concerned about not hearing or seeing the Lord save the people in the country side but the Lord came to me in the cleft and pointed out all the people he has saved for His glory. I quickly repented for me limited perspective and began to praise His name for the many mongolians He has brought Hid glory to in salvation and how His creation was a witness to His glory and power. We played a couple rounds of hitting the volleyball and then sitting around talking. After a while we packed it up and headed back to town. On the way home everyone in the truck was singing. I love to listen to mongolians sing. They are a singing people. One of the land marks to getting back to town was a little grey ger. It was the only one we pastd in our 45 minute drive out to the rocks. On the way back there were four children playing out front with their father. I waved at them and they all stopped and waved back. I know that God has saved so many but I could not help myself from thinking here we are a truck load of christians, who have the answer living in us, driving through the countryside singing praise songs to our God and we just sped past a family most likely going to hell for rejecting God. I am telling you it felt like slow motion as we exchanged waves and looked at each other. I am so sorry Lord, as I should have told the driver to stop and pulled Agii out of the van and just asked if they wanted to know about the Savior. I know this is not an isolated issue. We have people going to hell all around us and we have the answer - his name is Jesus and we fail to have compassion and just ask if they would like to discuss Jesus. Oh may the Lord soften me and give me courage to talk for Him. Agii really went out of his way to create a special day and it was fun and I am thankful for the unity and fellowship with my christian brothers and sisters. Just a lot of thoughts as I get read to bed down for the night. I really do love Him with everything I have. What a day.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:26:43 +0000

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