Updates from my heart ♥ 8 Things Happy People Do Every Morning. - TopicsExpress


Updates from my heart ♥ 8 Things Happy People Do Every Morning. Sponsored by: WATCH/Sponsor: CRAVE a Film that is healing addictions & Traumas at: gofundme/crave ♥ Please Support my work at: gofundme//WeRaLLONe or Sign-Up! to Take YOU for a UFO Ride or an Acting/Crew Part @ Our Next Movie: WeAreALLONeMovie Listen to latest Weekly Free Radio Shows English & Spanish versions at: blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie For many of us, mornings begin in a rushed panic. We allow our alarm clocks to buzz at least a dozen times before we decide we have to get out of bed. We then rush around our homes half-awake trying to get ready for our day. In a hurry, we stub our toe on the bedpost, forget to put on deodorant, and don’t pack a lunch because we simply do not have time. It’s no wonder that so many folks despise the thought of being awake before 9 am! So it may not surprise you to know that happy individuals tend to actually enjoy their mornings. They appear to thrive on waking up with the sun and look forward to a new day or possibilities. These happy people have humble morning rituals that increase their own sense of well-being and give their day purpose. Happy people tend to share many of the following morning habits: They wake up with a sense of gratitude. Practicing gratitude is associated with a sense of overall gladness. They start the day with love. This means that they’re truly appreciative of their life and all of its little treasures. They practice small acts of gratitude in the morning by expressing thankfulness to their partner each morning before they rise from bed. They may also write about their gratefulness for five minutes each morning in a journal that they keep bedside. They begin anew each and every morning. They know that it’s a brand-new day to start over and do something different. Yesterday may have been a complete failure for them, but today is a new day for success and adventure. Individuals who aren’t ruined by one bad day are resilient creatures. Resiliency is a telltale sign of having purpose and happiness. They take part in prayer, affirmation, or meditation. Many of the happiest folks alive are spiritual. Prayer is a way of connecting and giving thanks for our creator. Meditation helps keep our mind focused, calms our nerves and supports inner peace. Happy people even use affirmations to declare how their day will go. Steve Jobs‘ morning routine used to start by looking in the mirror and asking himself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And Benjamin Franklin asked himself each morning, “What good shall I do today?” They read. Some happy people read a bit of scripture each morning, while others read inspiring stories to get their day started. Either way, they make it a ritual to read self-improvement literature to stretch and grow their insight and knowledge. It’s starts their day off on a positive note with new ideas to guide their day’s journey. They keep things simple and don’t rush out the door. Complex morning routines are difficult to stick to and set us up for failure. Happy individuals’ routines are simple for them because they prepared the night before. They picked out their work attire, prepared their lunch, set their coffee to brew — all the night before. A simple routine limits any multitasking that most people do in the morning to ensure that they make it to work on time. Multitasking may create stress and anxiety and steal your peace during your first waking hours. They exercise. Exercise boosts levels of health-promoting brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which may help buffer some of the effects of stress and also relieve some symptoms of depression. Exercise is a big enough priority that happy folks tend to do it first thing in the morning so that they don’t have to try to make time later in the day for it. They recognize that willpower is strongest in the morning. Morning exercise gets the blood flowing and gives them more energy throughout the day. One study published in theJournal of Health Psychology discovered that working out improved how people felt about their physical bodies — even if they didn’t lose weight or gain any noticeable improvements in their physique. They get some fresh air. Morning walks are beneficial for all creatures. Walking is also proven to stimulate creativity in the brain, which isn’t a bad way to start the day either. If they have a dog, they walk it. Walking the dog a mile or two in the morning is a form of much needed exercise for humans and dogs alike. When happy individuals walk their dog outside, they breath in the crisp morning air, which promotes a sense of vitality. They savor the beauty of their surroundings and practice being present in the moment. Whether they go on a morning walk with their dog or sit in their favorite chair by the window, taking the time to appreciate their environment can be invigorating and gets folks excited about their day. Being present connects and grounds them to what is really important in the moment. There is a certain kind of wisdom that comes with being a witness to your own life. Have a Blessed day! My 2 Cents to Your EVOLUTION IS: #1> if YOU wanna KNOW WHO is Your HIGHER SELF! = Simply ASK Your SELF! = WHO AM I? OVER & OVER & OVER until YOU WILL GET Pointed to the ANSWER! just Like I was... & so it is... *** If YOU BELIEVE IT! or NOT! ... NO JUDGEMENT to ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY GIVE LOVE!!!!!!!! *** then YOU will FEEL how HIGH You can go... . ♥ Please Support my work at: gofundme//WeRaLLONe or Sign-Up! to Take YOU for a UFO Ride or an Acting/Crew Part @ Our Next Movie: WeAreALLONeMovie . . === Blessings! heres the Latest Updates from the Galactic Federation of LIght via: gofundme/WeAreALLONeMovie Sign-Up! to WIN a FREE Hour of pure Healing & Awakening @ IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to you feeling joyous! Events continue to move forward. The time comes to bring forth announcements accompanied by the beginnings of a global prosperity. Several nations dedicated to bringing you a new financial system are ready to make a series of vital announcements that are to change forever how your realm uses its many currencies. In addition, a number of up-to-now secret gold and silver depositories are ready to put your global economy back to a worldwide precious metal standard. These events are to cause a temporary deflation once the new currieries are in place. Global fair trade can begin in earnest. These changes are to set the way for new governance. The corrupt and one-sided policies of government are to cease as the globe returns to a general standard of cooperation and world peace. It is time to alter how your world is run and prepare each of you to become participants in how government operates. This is just the first step to your many new responsibilities. The world, which is now envisioned by Heaven, is to become fully participatory. You are to be educated by your Ascended Masters and by the temporary leaders of your national and local governments in a number of new realities. Further, the law is to switch to common law and to a faithful following in the intent and wordings of your constitution. This process is to be both fruitful and confusing to many. This new epoch is to culminate in our arrival and your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. The present is therefore a critical time in this process. The globe is changing from a place run ruthlessly by a series of dark masters to one where you can freely and responsibly express yourselves. This new realm is one in which you need to better understand what is to be expected of you. Hence, it is necessary that a period of weeks and months be employed to assist you in this grand transfer of power from the dark to the Light and each one of you. You are to be readied to become mature, able Beings of Light, who gladly accept all that is expected of you. This process, as we have stated, requires you to take on a great deal of new knowledge and learn how best to use it to carry out the marvel of your life contract. You are to be provided with the counseling you need to carry this out successfully. The universe is about success, joy and an honoring of who you are. Each success leads to another. You are to build up a quiet confidence and to understand how this process operates. These energies drive our numerous galactic societies. The degree of mutual love and respect constantly grows. We know how each individual works to provide for the greater One. This grand sacred collective encompasses all humans and all Beings of Light. Out of it comes a divine service, which aids the Divine in unfolding the divine plan for physicality. We are deeply dedicated to this, and come to return you to your true and natural state. This shift in your consciousness is just the start. Your present state of limited consciousness dropped your body and mind frequencies to an extremely low level. Heaven has been gradually raising this over the last four decades. Yet you are still far below the minimums required. This is why you need to use a Crystal Light Chamber to regain full consciousness. Full consciousness makes you knowledgeable about Spirit and the infinite realms of Heaven. During your three days in this living marvel, you are to discover your origins and become privy to your previous life contacts. You are also to learn about your Soul family and why you initially migrated to this solar system. You are here as a special collective, to look after Gaia and her many sister worlds. Once this solar system is restored, you are to learn about the amazing diversity of life that exists not only on this world, but also on the other water worlds in this Solar System. Much lies ahead for you to learn and master! Read full message at: gofundme/WeRaLLONe N.E.S.A.R.A. UPDATE on 9.24.2014. via: AshtarRADIO.COM ANYTIME! or LIVE! SATURDAYS@ 8PM Los Angeles, CA. 10PM Chicago/CST. 11PM FL/NY/EST TIME @ TheGalacticFL Greetings and Salutation: Dratzo! I come on this day with good news! The various programs to change your life and to reset the worlds currencies continue to show progress. We are pleased that the final attempts by the dark cabal have failed. The end of September is to be a time noted for prosperity, freedom and the rise of a successful world peace movement. Many governments on our world are approaching a point where sudden change is inevitable. These changes are being caused by the increasing pressure being put on the dark cabal to concede its defeat and begin to cooperate with our Love & Light allies. We are watching the result of literally two decades of pressure. The new monetary system is part of a fresh financial system that is dovetailing with the distribution of your worlds prosperity funds. Together, these two movements are changing the way your work operates. This series of changes is only the beginning; NESARA in America and a global movement tied to it are to change your reality forever. Our various associates are continuing to move forward. We are very close to the global reset and the accompanying revaluation of the worlds currencies. These events are to be tied in with the rise of a worldwide precious metal standard. The improprieties of the worlds major banks, as well as a vast corruption of the worlds governments, means that a grand financial revolution is now needed to purge this realm of the dark cabal. This process is ready to yield major arrests and new governance. The coming prosperity and new international banking regulations are to clean up this abhorrent mess and bless this realm with an endless prosperity. Your freedom and sovereignty are to arise from all that is presently happening. We have been blessed by Heaven to finish this sacred task and then welcome those who helped us to succeed! What is occurring here is a great blessing! We have worked diligently to assure your success. Heaven has smiled on our efforts and permitted us to have the means to overcome the dark and its numerous minions. Every day we pray and spend hours healing this realm. Many of you are frustrated by what has seemingly taken an endless time to get done. Do not lose faith! Miracles are happening! The dark, once seemingly so omnipotent, is now quickly fading. The Light increases in strength each and every day. Be proud of what we have accomplished together. Each of your prayers and meditations has greatly aided this divine cause. Hence, together we have gathered the means to triumph. Remain positive and thoroughly focused on victory! The dark, as noted, is fading. We are on the verge of great things! > E N E R G Y UPDATEs on 10.02.2014. N.E.S.A.R.A.=Money/Prosperity coming to YaLL! ~ UPDATEs on 10.02.2014. CYCLE that has Predicted Major Natural disasters specially earthquakes. The NEXT DATE IS: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21ST 2014... ***DISCERN with your God Goddess Heart!*** If You LIVE CLOSE or on TECTONIC Areas: MOVE Out of there Now! including but Not Limited to The WEST COAST, NORTHERN/South CALIFORNIA + THE RING of FIRE (States in US like CA, Oregon, WA state) All COUNTRIES ~ GOD BLESS YOU ALL! just BEWARE~ Be Meditating, Be CAREFUL! & so it is... I AM your brother from another Mother I AM another You = Namaste ~ I am Ashtar @ your service! Via: WeAreALLONeMovie If you think time is speeding.. IT IS .... Find out why-- We have gone from the 3d to 5D realm.. those that are awake are shifting or have shifted...This is a MUST watch 42 minute video that will give you clarity. WATCH FREE VIDEO @ youtube/watch?v=yhtwIlFt2F8 More & sign-up to win a Free Hour of Pure Healing & Awakening @ IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM I arrive! Our Love & Light associates continue to make progress to prepare for the dispersal of funds = (Lots of Money coming to YaLL!). These funds are to be given only to encourage a global prosperity as well as the end to poverty and all want in this reality. It is agreed by us and our various associates that the old ways of hoarding money and denying the masses their due can no longer be tolerated. Those in the various elements of the dark cabal are to be divested of their ill-gotten wealth. Further, governance, long the realm of these scalawags, needs a complete house cleaning. Those who serve in government have long been beholden to these fiscal rascals. Hence, a broad coalition between them made banks and investment houses largely exempt from the degree of full retribution they truly deserved. This is to change now, as new rules for financial discourse are to end this illegitimate behavior. Arrests are to punctuate this and set the stage for a fresh way of conducting these affairs. This is to usher in a new age of transparency, fairness and worldwide prosperity. This is just the beginning for what is planned! I come today with more good news! The various allies from our secret sacred societies, as well as the various Ancient Families, are in the process of transferring monies to a number of distribution trust accounts. Those special groups are to pay out your global prosperity programs and foreign exchange accounts. The dark cabal has long used its positions of authority to prevent these payouts from happening. Agreements and the threat of force by the Ancient Families, as well as by us, finally liberated these accounts from their heinous grasp. Blessed be the ways of Heaven and the power of the Light! These funds are to be ready once a number of final steps are completed. Expect shortly to hear announcements on this very subject. We rejoice and prepare for a number of wondrous blessings for humanity. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! In other news, those in charge of bringing down the old reality are ready to start a series of legal moves, to lead to the rise of the new GESARA governance. We bless these actions, as they are the final steps that are to lead to your freedom and to the true declaration of your individual sovereignty. As the old powers fade, the Light is to emerge triumphant. Be prepared, dear hearts, for some amazing events. Remember this time of your year is to celebrate the end of tyranny and the return of those abilities that were lost during the time of Atlantis. The coming great white month in ancient times was when Atlantis reached its conclusion by overstepping its power. The Light showed that agreements made with Heaven are to be obeyed in joy and in the Light of divine service. The days of darkness are over! The time of the divine Light is indeed here! We bless these times and prepare, dear ones, for our coming lessons. These are to teach you about the spiritual essence within you and its effects on consciousness. As you rise in Spirit, you gain in consciousness. The spiritual and physical realms here are to merge and forge a new blessed reality. The task we are assigned is to watch over you and give you aid and comfort within the bounds of your individual life contracts. We do this in joy and administer you as is righteously given to us by Heaven. All the Beings of this realm are greatly loved and appreciated by Heaven. In Heaven’s Light, all works in joy to alleviate pain, remove sorrow and seek sustenance for everyone. This moment is thus a sacred one as the tide turns against the dark. The time for this reality’s salvation is at hand! In praise, we gladly state: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Today, we continued our messages. Be in joy and prepare yourselves for the final steps of this part of your journey. Magnificent events are happening. We are close to the landings. Let these final steps be indeed true and swift. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Be One! and Be in Joy!) E*N*E*R*G*Y ~ U*P*D*A*T*E*S on 10.11.2014 We are as ever closely following your progress and pleased to note that so many of you are fully engaged in preparing yourselves for the continuing rise in vibrations that are carrying you into the higher levels. As we have previously informed you, because you are raising your vibrations at a rate that will carry you forwards to the point of Ascension into the next level, it need not be seen as a separate happening. You are flowing with the increases in vibration, and slowly but surely you are creating a crystalline based body with all of the advantages that come with it. You will ascend by your own efforts and dedication to bring harmony and balance to yourself. Clearly not every soul is capable of achieving such a level, but all will eventually find their ideal and perfect level. Already many of you are in total control of what is taking place where you are concerned. We encourage you to stay completely focused on your goal at such an important time, and do not link your energy with anything that is lesser than positive, peaceful, light, love vibration. There is always a risk that you will be pulled into other peoples affairs, which is alright as long as you keep yourself centered at all times. You can be a peace maker without getting personally involved in other people’s issues. You can still be a healer if that is your desire, but remember to close your aura at the end of a session. I am sure that you need little reminding of these precautions, but there is a need to be fully aware of any risk to yourself. Self-healing will continue but as time passes it will become less and less necessary. You will find that your body will “rejuvenate” itself in the course of time, and indeed we know that some of you already feel that your bodies are becoming more in balance regardless of your age. So you see that you are entering a period of notable changes that will also affect souls who are otherwise unaware of them. Ultimately all souls will find the right level that is necessary for them to carry on progressing and evolving. For many souls this cycle will see the end of their need to experience in the lower vibrations. Once the lessons have been learnt you move on to a higher level, and so you continue to evolve where progress takes you higher into the Realms of Light. At present you are but a small point of Light, but it is rapidly expanding as you move higher and higher. Ultimately you will become an immense Being of Light, but for the time being it is sufficient to say that you have started that journey. Meantime you can start looking forward to an exciting time that will give you all manner of interesting experiences. Perhaps There is so much for you to explore and a whole variety of missions that you can undertake. Your future will be one that you choose, and it will be to spread the Light far and wide. Some people on Earth have a certain degree of curiosity about their purpose for being on it, and are interested in life in general but find it difficult to know which sources of knowledge to trust. Generally speaking we would say simply follow your intuition, as it will lead you gently onwards to find an appropriate source of information. Clearly you can be overwhelmed by the truth and it makes good sense to gradually introduce it a level that will be acceptable to you. Also bear in mind that once you become receptive to receiving information, the more you will receive. All of you have Guides and Helpers who will “arrange” events so that you meet the right people, and also have enlightening experiences. These are all carried out with your knowledge and acceptance, although you may not have any waking memory of them. You are never left alone to seek without help, and even those souls who wallow in the darkness have help on hand as soon as they respond to the Light. Sometimes in the depth of depression you can feel as though you do not have a single friend in the world, yet help is always just a thought away. In these emotional states you are very difficult to reach, but you are showered with love that will eventually lift you up. You may ask why you are allowed to experience such trauma and the answer is “for the experience” to enable the growth of your soul. It is such circumstances and the lessons to be learnt that bring about a rapid growth, that allows more Light to be attracted to you. You could say that the Earth is the place of the hard taskmaster, and that is generally true but it is also where you learn your lessons most quickly. We look upon Earth and see souls at all various degrees of evolution, and how they mix and work with each other. Sometimes it leads to violent acts as there is a tendency for them to become very insular and selfish. These are observed by more advanced souls who can still learn lessons from them without getting involved. The interaction between different groups of Beings is all part of experience that enables you to evolve. Karma can be extremely complicated, but be assured that it works out perfectly so that all souls involved can benefit from it. You would in fact be surprised if you knew how much attention was given to karmic issues, to ensure all souls involved gain from it. You will no doubt be relieved to learn that once you have risen above the 3rd dimension, you will have effectively cleared your karma. As your eyes are opened to the truth of your being even more questions arise as your level of consciousness expands, and there are always more knowledgeable Beings around you to give the answers. Even now if you can put yourself in a meditative state and clear your mind so that you are receptive, you can communicate with Higher Beings. Let them know what information you need, and you may get an immediate response, or it may come to you later at a time when you are not expecting it. To be continued at: WeAreALLONeMovie > E*N*E*R*G*Y ~ & N E S A R A ~ U*P*D*A*T*E*S on 10.15.2014. I come with much to tell you! The fundings continue to move forward as the process moves from one group to another. While this is taking place, we are overseeing the security forces to ensure that no shenanigans occur as monies are transferred from place to place. Those involved with the arrests and the transference to new governance are likewise completing the evidence trails to be used to isolate these rapscallions from the public. This procedure is nearly ready to yield results. Meanwhile, the dark is no longer able to use its various secret operations to start a major war. The dark realizes just how weak it is becoming. Nevertheless, it is doing little annoying things to stretch out the actual funding process with the revaluations of currencies, and preventing the start of the global currency reset. We wish to intervene on a much grander scale but the interferences built into the financial system continue to slow down the dispersal of funds. These unforeseen delays are soon to be moved aside so the new financial system can be readied.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:31:38 +0000

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