Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress Back in 1999 and - TopicsExpress


Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress Back in 1999 and 2000, when Rudy was cheating on his second wife, he used public money and policemen to carry on his affair. How? Let me count the ways -- -- City-financed trips to Southampton, the expensive celebrity resort where his girlfriend had a condo -- Undercover police drove his girlfriend (Judith Nathan) around New York, when Guiliani was nowhere near. She used the PD [police department] as her personal taxi service, according to one former Giuliani staffer. -- Those police drove Judith 130 miles to Pennsylvania to visit her parents. -- Those police drove Judiths FRIENDS around the city, even when SHE wasnt there. -- Guiliani even made 2 police detectives walk Nathans DOG. Yes, New Yorks finest, scooping up poop from the mayors mistress dog. How pampered is Judith Nathan? Not only does she have a full time hair stylist, when she flies she has a second first-class seat -- for her Louis Vitton purse, which she calls Baby Louis. At her wedding to Giuliani, she wore a tiara, and a NY police detective went with her to Atlanta to pick up the $20,000 Ceylon-sapphire-and-diamond ring Judith had picked out. All this from a girl who grew up in Hazelton PA, a coal mining town pop. 25,000. A woman who, in 1992, was making $1,200 a month as a part-time receptionist. This scandal didnt come out earlier because the Giuliani administration covered up these expenses, by billing the money to obscure city agencies with no connection to security -- such as the Office of People With Disabilities, the Loft Board, and the Community Assistance Unit. They used some of that money to pre-pay $454,000 on an American Express card, which was used to pay for hotels, meals, and gas on these trips. City auditors questioned the Mayors office back in 2001, but his staff refused to answer, claiming security reasons. The City Comptroller ruled that auditors were unable to verify that these expenses were for legitimate or necessary purposes. The girlfriend of the current New York mayor, billionare Michael Bloomberg, rides the bus to work and has no security detail at all. Giuliani has always made a big deal about his security credentials, and crime in New York City did go down a lot during his tenure as mayor. (Though many people think the credit should go to Bejamin Bratton, the brilliant Police Commissioner that Guiliani hired -- and then fired after he started claiming credit for the successes.) But it is also becoming clear that Rudy, the son and nephew of mob-connected men, has some issues about security. He likes to surround himself with excessive numbers of security guards and police. He has essentially found a way to make himself a mob boss legally, surrounded by lots of beefy lieutenants and muscle everywhere he goes. Thats why hes comfortable surrounding himself with clearly and deeply corrupt assistants, such as Bernard Kerik. And thats why he would consider such a shocking abuse of police as pampering his girlfriend -- thats what your boys do. Thats why you make yourself the boss. - Mistress Sources Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors and Embezzlers) Giuliani prizes loyalty, and he has stayed loyal to a number of friends who are flat out criminals. Even after he knows about their misdeeds and allegations (or convictions!) of crimes, Giuliani socializes with them, hires them at his security firm, or has them raise money for his campaigns. The most notorious is Bernard Kerik, Giulianis former chauffer, who pled guilty to two misdemeanors for receiving $165,000 in renovations from a company accused of mob ties. (He lobbied city officials to approve them anyway.] Recently, Kerik was indicted on 16 counts for tax evasion, fraud, lying to federal investigators, and tampering with witnesses. Giuliani appointed him as police commissioner (for only 16 months), hired him for $500,000 at his security company, convinced President Bush to nominate Kerik as Director of Homeland Security (before Kerik withdrew his nomination in disgrace), and continues to defend him. To this day, Giuliani will not rule out pardoning Kerik if Rudy is elected presidet. Kerik shares one trait with Rudy -- using taxpayer resources for his extramarital affairs. In 2001, Kerik used an apartment donated for 9/11 rescue workers as a love nest for his affair with publisher Judith Regan. (Kerik has been married since 1998.) In fact, Kerik used Giuiliani Partners as the mail drop for the $75,000 payment at the heart of one of the tax fraud charges he was indicted for in Nov. 2007. But Keriks not the only one. A grand jury report concluded that priest Alan Placa, a longtime friend of Giuliani, molested several boys and helped cover up molestations by other priests, but he could not be prosecuted because the statute of limitations had run out. Giuliani -- who had the priest preside over his second wedding -- continues to defend him, and also employs the priest to this day at his security company. Wait -- theres more! A major union supporter of Giuliani in his mayoral days went to prison in 2000 for stealing $2 million from union members. Bob Asher, convicted of bribery in 1986, recently (Nov. 26, 2007) hosted a $2,300 per person fundraiser for Giuliani. Rudys South Carolina campaign chair resigned in June of 2007 after he was indicted for distribution of cocaine. Etc. etc. etc. Any politician can have one crooked supporter or friend. But Giuliana has lots of them, and he remains loyal to them -- and hires them -- long after he knows all about their alleged crimes and convictions. Cheating, Three-Times-Married Husband Giulianis behavior has led him to three marriages and 20 years of rumors about his affairs. Even back in 1993, his mayoral campaign commissioned its own study of his vulnerabilities, which emphasized his raucous social life during his marriage, and said that his behavior raised questions about a weirdness factor in his personal life. After divorcing his second cousin, Rudy married Donna Hanover, a TV new anchor in New York. In 1996, he started appearing in public frequently with his press secretary, Cristyne Lategano (who was 28, and the youngest NYC press secretary ever, when Giuliani appointed her.) Vanity Fair magazine reported that they were dating. Hanover then changed back to her maiden name on tax returns, stopped appearing with Guiliani in public, and barred Cristyne from any of her public events. In Spring of 1999, Giuliani stopped appearing with Lategano and started dating Judith Nathan, an ambitious divorcee, while still married. Giuliani was even more blatant about his affair with Nathan. She accompanied him to dozens of public events -- town-hall meetings, the opera, fundraisers, and the St. Patricks Day parade, marching alongside him just as the mayors wife always has. She even joined him at the huge Y2K Millenium Celebration in Times Square. He sang to her in Italian in New York restaurants, and kept what one newspaper called (at the time) a love nest in the St. Regis Hotel. Rudy finally started divorce proceedings against Hanover in 2000 and married Judith Nathan in 2003. Mob Ties (through his Dad and Uncle) For a guy who made his name attacking the mob, Rudy Giuliani has a surprising number of mob ties himself, including his father Harold -- a convicted felon who, according to the book Rudy! An Investigative Biography, was involved (with Rudys uncle Leo) in a shoot-out with a mob competitor. The book charges that Harolds best friend Lou Carbonetti, Jr. was a mobbed-up Democratic Party leader with connections to the boxing world. Harold Guiliani did prison time for robbery and served as the collector for Giuilianis uncle Leo. And yes, Rudy Giuliani is a fan of the Sopranos, but that doesnt prove NOTHING. Married His Second Cousin Giuliani married his second cousin, Regina Perrugi. After 14 years, he divorced her, but got an official annulment -- a decree from the Catholic Church that the marriage never really happened (for 14 years!!), thus allowing remarriage in the Church. Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss Its very hard to describe exactly how mean and nasty Giuliani is without using swear words or salty language. A couple of examples from his second marriage should do the trick. Imagine now, Giuliani (as of about 1999) is the most famous person in New Yor City, and his wife is a TV anchorwoman, also very famous. He has been having a very public affair with his 28 year old press secretary for years, not really even trying to hide it as they go out to dinner in public. That affair ends and he takes up with a new woman. His wife goes about her business with a considerable amount of class -- yes, she starts using her maiden name again, and refuses to appear at public events with Rudy, but thats about it. So Rudy ups the ante. He knows his wife loved their long walks together, a favorite romantic memory. So on MOTHERS DAY, he arranges a long walk with his new girlfriend -- and notifies all of the New York tabloids, who of course cover it in excruciating detail. Think about this -- his wife is a NEWSCASTER, so all day long, her workplace is filled with video of Rudy and his mistress, and his WIFE is supposed to announce it on the news. On Mothers Day. I have no idea if she actually did. But I think we can all agree, what a PRICK. This wasnt even enough. He brought his mistress into the Mayors mansion while his wife and children was still living there, forcing her to go to court to stop him, and had his lawyer savagely attack Hanover. Later, when he finally was man enough to seek a divorce, he announced it on live TV -- without telling his wife or kids first. Sources
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:29:55 +0000

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