Using Colloidal Silver & Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 ) Hydrogen - TopicsExpress


Using Colloidal Silver & Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 ) Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 ) Hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well as other oxygen-based treatments, is rapidly gaining in popularity within the alternative medicine community. Mounting evidence suggests that H2O2 properly utilized holistically effects the body; it acts as a catalyst for various needed body processes as well as directly reducing anaerobic bacterial infections. H2O2 oxidizes body waste products and diseased tissue. It has been shown to dissolve calcium and cholesterol deposits in the body, and it stimulates peroxidase production. Oxygen content in the blood and tissues increases with oral and IV use, and hydrogen peroxide stimulates the body´s enzyme systems as well. Even so, the effects of hydrogen peroxide in the body are wide,varied and still not completely understood. One of the greatest benefits of using Hydrogen Peroxide for therapy is that it falls in the natural treatments category. H2O2 breaks down as H2O ( water ) + O-, completely nontoxic. Hydrogen Peroxide is not a foreign agent introduced into the body. In fact, H2O2 is produced within the body in cellular and other key metabolic reactions. The greatest concern with use is the powerful oxidation which results in the explosive liberation of the extra oxygen molecule. This effect can be safely managed by varying the H2O2 concentration in any solution used. However, not everyone is in agreement that H2O2 therapy is safe, even in small amounts. Opponents of hydrogen peroxide therapy claim that usage results in organ and tissue damage. They believe that using H2O2 increases any and all conditions associated with free radicals in the body. Delving into this subject, at present, is outside the scope of our work. If one is unfamiliar with H2O2 use, then the best suggestion is to research both sides of the issue thoroughly before using it internally.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:22:34 +0000

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