Utica City School District has had SEVERE Cuts! We are loosing - TopicsExpress


Utica City School District has had SEVERE Cuts! We are loosing some of our finest teachers and our children need them! Dont sit back and let others do the work! CALL!!!! It takes 5 minutes!!!! All the names and numbers and what to say are below! Call Assemblyman Brindisi and Senator Griffo! Did you know that both the Assembly and Senate budgets severely underfund our schools? Both budgets add a mere $240 million to the Governors budget, and that is completely inadequate! The Utica City School District has only received 23% of aid promised under the Campaign for Fiscal Equity case and they are already anticipating to cut 94 teaching positions. Students in the high school have class sizes so large, they have to stand in class, and they have to fundraise for basic materials for their science classes. It is clear the needs of our students havent been met, and wont be met with this budget! Did you know that the Senate Majority also created a “Tax Credit” which is a $675 million giveaway of state funds to private and charter schools? Yet, Senator Griffo came out against the proposed Charter School in Utica! The lack of funding for our schools is morally reprehensible! Call your legislators today to demand they do the right thing! When Calling Assemblyman Brindisi (315-732-1055 or 518-455-5454): Tell the Assemblyman that the $240 Million added to the Governor’s budget is completely inadequate. Tell him it will result in more cuts to our schools statewide. Tell him that if this budget is enacted, the State will have failed its constitutional obligation to provide a sound, basic education. The negotiations between the Governor and the legislative leadership is inadequate. In order to stop school cuts, we need $400 Million more. Tell the Assemblyman to Block the Governor and the Senate’s Disingenuous “Tax Freeze” Plan. The Governor and the Senate are pushing a “tax freeze” plan that gives big property tax subsidies to wealthy school districts and shortchanges poor and middle class districts This unfair “freeze” takes $400 million we need for our schools. When Calling the Senator Griffo (315-793-9072 or 518-455-3334): Tell the Senator that the $240 Million added to the Governor’s budget is completely inadequate. Tell him it will result in more cuts to our schools statewide. Tell him that if this budget is enacted, the State will have failed its constitutional obligation to provide a sound, basic education. The Negotiations between the Gov. and legislative leadership is inadequate. In order to stop school cuts, we need $400 million more. Tell the Senator to stop shortchanging your local schools. Tell them you are upset with their $400 million tax freeze that subsidizes wealthy communities at the expense of your schools. And tell them that you are outraged about their support for the $675 million tax credit for private and charter schools.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:20:51 +0000

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