Utusan backs Najib-Muhyiddin retaining Umno posts without contest: - TopicsExpress


Utusan backs Najib-Muhyiddin retaining Umno posts without contest: KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 22 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin are the best leaders to strengthen Umno, Utusan Malaysia said today after the duo returned unopposed to their posts as president and deputy president respectively. In the Umno-owned daily’s weekend edition Mingguan Malaysia, the newspaper’s editors noted that Umno’s improved performance in Election 2013 - where the dominant Malay party had bagged 88 federal seats, up from 79 - and the country’s many positive achievements had led to Najib’s and Muhyiddin’s victory. “Awang is confident that Najib and Muhyiddin are the best combination to continue bringing Umno to greater strengths, even in a new political landscape that has become increasingly challenging,” the newspaper wrote in an editorial under the editors’ shared “Awang Selamat” pseudonym today. “Their re-election shows the affirmation at all levels of Umno towards Najib’s leadership, aided by Muhyiddin,” it added. The Malay-language newspaper also said that the incumbents in the six-way contest for the Umno vice-presidency - Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal - had the advantage in defending their posts. “However, there is a possibility for the challengers - Mukhriz Mahathir, Isa Samad and Ali Rustam - to shock. In politics, anything can happen, what more with the more democratic elections this time where 146,000 delegates can vote, compared to the previous 2,500,” added Awang. The Malay broadsheet also said that Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and Khairy Jamaluddin would not have much trouble in retaining their posts as Wanita Umno and Umno Youth chiefs respectively, despite the multi-cornered contests they face. “The straight fight for the Puteri chief post is bound to be tough, while a lot of new faces are expected to fill the supreme council,” added Awang. Malacca Puteri Umno chief Ermieyati Samsudin will be battling Jamilah Hanim Othman, an executive committee member from Malacca Puteri Umno, for the top post of the wing, as outgoing Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin is ineligible to lead the wing anymore due to her age. BN component party leaders have expressed confidence that the Najib-Muhyiddin duo would strengthen the ruling coalition’s and the country’s leadership. The top two Umno leaders are usually elected as Malaysia’s prime minister and deputy prime minister. National news agency Bernama quoted MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai yesterday as saying that it was a “wise decision” by Umno grassroots to return Najib and Muhyiddin unopposed. Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) president Tan Sri Peter Chin was quoted as saying that the continuity in Umno’s and the country’s leadership would provide stability and boost confidence among both Malaysians and foreigners. dlvr.it/411xwY
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 02:34:19 +0000

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