V for Vendetta or is it the symbol to support the 5th age...the - TopicsExpress


V for Vendetta or is it the symbol to support the 5th age...the separation from GRACE, the ONE WORLD influence of Satan? It could also mean...The Fifth Age of Central Banking in the Global Economy.....central banking is on its way into an entirely new age, characterized by scientization, horizontal bureaucratic extension, external communication, collective decision-making and outcome management. While anarchists may be right that Fawkes was the only person ever to enter Parliament with honest intentions, theyve forgotten what those intentions were. Fawkes wasnt trying to destroy an evil theocracy, he was trying to install one. Marrying these symbols actually makes it all more predictable if Nov. 5th is once a year. Separate from idols, sheeps of demons working miracles. Make your own mask to CONCEAL identity to stand against those attacking WORL WIDE privacy. Fawkes was a fighter for Spain and the Catholic Church. His goal was to end the slightly more egalitarian Protestant revolution in England by restoring Catholic domination. If the Gunpowder Plot had actually succeeded, Britain would probably look less like an anarchist commune and more like the fascist police state Alan Moore warned us about. The MAIN point of ANONYMOUS was to remain concealed and re-establish the same independence as our forefathers world wide. Dont get me wrong, many ANONS are STUPENDOUS but know little of the world to hack the core. Many face personal vendettas when the idea is to have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness FOR EVERYONE. I think we as the collective need to calibrate and rethink our footsteps.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:48:23 +0000

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