VIA DOLOROSA A pastor narrated the story of a man who had a twin - TopicsExpress


VIA DOLOROSA A pastor narrated the story of a man who had a twin brother; both living together! His twin brother was a notorious armed robber, but he was a child of God. He had preached several times to his twin brother, but he refused! One night, his twin brother went as usual to carry out his operation. After the operation, the owner of the house challenged him and in annoyance, he shot the man and incidentally, the blood from the body of the man splashed on his white vest! As he was bolting away, the shout from the wife in the house alarmed the neighbours and the watchmen in the area. They were able to identify the man as a result of the blood stains on his vest and gave him a hot chase! He ran as fast as he could and got to his house! His godly twin brother opened the door, and on seeing him knew what happened. The godly brother peeped through the window and saw the mob standing and waiting for him to come out! The godly one then bowed his head, and told his brother to remove his stained white vest for him to put on and gave him his clean vest. The armed robber was surprised and refused, but the godly one insisted! Then they exchanged vests! The godly one said: Dont utter any word, i am born again, but you are not; so if they kill me now, I know where Ill go. But please, I am giving you this chance to make your ways right with God this time. Goodbye. The godly brother was later taken to court and sentenced to death by hanging! He paid the price for his sinful brother and died in his stead! This actually led to the salvation of the armed robber! WHAT A LOVE!!! But do you know that the love the man in the above story displayed is nothing compared to what the glorious man called JESUS did for you and I? He left His glory and splendour above and decided to go via Dolorosa (the way of suffering, a painful, distressing, difficult route) for you and I. He substituted Himself voluntarily as a sacrificial Lamb without blemish in order to pay our debts! He was an object of derision and insults in the hands of the temple servants. He was struck by sharp blows, face covered with spittle, they crowned Him with thorns, He was beaten with stripes, He was smitten and nailed to the cross! What humiliation and disgrace Jesus had to bear for us! But all these didnt make Him give up; the love in His heart for you and I, kept Him going! This made Him endure all till He paid the ultimate price!!! My dear brothers/ sisters, what greater proof of love could JESUS have given us than this? John 15:13 says: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Its painful to see that despite His love for us, some are still wallowing in the sin He gave His life to redeem us from; some are still hardening their hearts against the Truth, some have even decided to play religion and not ready to give up worldly pleasures for Gods standard on Holiness and Righteousness. If He could sacrifice all for us, whats too much for us to sacrifice for Him? Hmmm, whether we like it or not, the signs are everywhere! JESUS is coming back again, sooner than we can imagine! This same JESUS will come in His glory; and before Him shall be gathered all nations and He shall separate the saints from the sinners. Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand (the sinners), Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. What side will you and I be on that great day? On the side of the faithful saints or the condemned sinners? #Singing: Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering, Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King, But He choose to walk that road out of His love for you and me. Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 15:11:57 +0000

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