VITAL RHINE BRIDGE SEIZED IN HOLLAND SEPTEMBER 1944 The Stars And Stripes News reported the Airborne paratrooper landings in Holland of September 22, 1944. While parachuting to earth, photographer Herb Palmer took the picture of paratroopers drifting in the sky. Pfc. Rinaldo Angelini is barely visible to the far left with Cpl. Carl H. Inglin on the left and Pfc. Myron Skolnic of 2nd Platoon, B Company, 502nd PIR. The lead scouts witnessed P-51 fighters knocking out two German Panzer IV tanks just before they reached the town. A short and severe machine gun battle followed. Before they reached the footbridge, they discovered a third solid bridge that had not been considered in the plan. This bridge, which had just been completed, and the new connecting stretch of road to by-pass the center of town, which was still under construction, did not show on their pre-1940 maps. As demotion team, C Company engineers approached this bridge, a German squad appeared at the same time, but were chased away with bazooka fire. After a forty-five minute bullet duel, a few men ran across, capturing it intact. Soon after, contact with B Company was made. In the meantime, A company entered Sint-Oedenrode from the west, cleaned out the buildings and captured the main bridge. Around 18:00 hours, the mission was accomplished, taking fifty-eight prisoners and killing twenty. The companies were ordered to take up defensive positions spending a quiet night around the town. They are welcomed by the Dutch civilians with a bottle of beer in the hamlet of Nijnsel. They later crossed the Dommel River east of Nijnsel and followed it along upstream to Sint-Oedenrode. Cpl. Carl H. Inglin is carrying a demolition bag slung across his shoulder. Comes A Soldiers Whisper, remembering our history and soldiers one day at a time... FOLLOW US ON TWITTER & FACEBOOK: https://twitter/Jennylas https://facebook/ComesASoldiersWhisper Order COMES A SOLDIERS WHISPER comesasoldierswhisper/buy/ Photos/Text Source: Orange is the Color of the Day
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:13:07 +0000

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