VUJC LAND STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVE OPEN HOUSE The VUJC Land Stewardship Initiative is hosting an open house on campus on July 23rd from 5 to 8 in the evening. The open house will introduce the Initiative and its members to the community. The event will also provide an opportunity for the public to see firsthand the conservation practices that the Initiative has begun using on the property. Professionals in agriculture, forestry, and water management will describe the ways the Initiative is working to improve health and productivity of the entire property. Topics including conservation agriculture, invasive species control, forest management, and water quality monitoring will be informally discussed in small groups. Visitors will be able speak to Initiative members about whatever interests them most. Along with explaining the benefits of conservation on the campus, Initiative members will also describe how visitors can bring these practices back to their own homes and yards. These topics will include sustainable lawn care, invasive species identification, and keeping our local streams and rivers clean. The Dubois County SWCD will raffle a rain barrel as a door prize and take rain barrel orders.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:21:15 +0000

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