Vegan is something I heard throughout my life, to me it meant - TopicsExpress


Vegan is something I heard throughout my life, to me it meant someone who didnt eat animals. It wasnt shoved in my face, at all. I never talked in the real world with a vegan as far as Im aware. I do have a vegetarian friend and we discuss all sorts of animals issues. Vegan was something I was really curious about but where were all the vegans? I really had no clue what it all boiled down to. Although I naturally was inclined towards a more earth and animal friendly life. I felt no qualms about avoided companies that test on animals, switching to adoption/rescue only with companion animals. I cried each time Id read about new rainforest destruction another animal pressed to extinction. I had to actually type vegan into my google to find vegans to speak with. I searched for local vegans and nothing came up, nothing. I cant imagine in a town of 5000 people there are NO vegans. Is that even possible. I wonder why veganism is so loud in some places and so silent in others? Or are vegans only really loud on facebook? The first vegans I met here (on facebook) were a lil off for the most part. But the non vegans werent much better to be honest. Facebook attracts the crazy, and some of the groups are very Jerry Springer like lol Anyway I just am curious if other people live in vegan dry areas...?
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:18:29 +0000

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