Very fiew people know this and it is just a fracture of who I am, - TopicsExpress


Very fiew people know this and it is just a fracture of who I am, but still it has had a huge impact on who I have become and how I see life. I just felt like sharing it.. I have always struggled with my health, at high school I was sick a lot and especially since after high school I got monoculose also called ”kyssesyken” in Norwegian just before I started at Bårdar Akademiet. I was sick for months and when I could finally start dancing my body wasn´t in on it. My legs felt heavy and they just got bigger and bigger. The worst was the pain.. it felt like my legs were gonna burst out of the skin… it ached and ached. And I stretched and stretched for hours every day to make it go away! I JUST WANTED TO DANCE!! I thought i would loose weight by dancing every day, but it was the other way around. Finally after several test I got the diagnose ”Primary Lymphedema” witch was a chronic desease witch means the lypmhetic system does not work like it should. I was told I might not be able to dance and that I even might have to stop school. I have always had this burning desire to express myself throught the dance, and I can say to dance was and still is the biggest passion of my life. To be told you might not be able to finish the education was totally devastating and i cried for days. The tears were unstoppable… I thought my life would end….. Dance was the ONLY proffesion i wished for and I could not see myself working with anything else.. The school advicer and my teachers were extremely helpful, and first and foremost they believed in me. They believed that my creative abilities and teaching talent would carry me throught and that I could have a carreer even though i would never have legs like a proper ballet dancer. And they adjusted my schedule so that i could slowly build my body strong enough. With treatment and diet i found a way to get much better and despite a lot of inflammation injuries and health issues I finished three years if education. I even choreographed three different pieces at the ending show!! And I have lived from dance for ten years now without ever second guessing if this was my life path, I spent the years hiding my body much more than I should and I was so asshamed by the shape of my legs, the water retention and the skin. I even tried all the treatments I could and spend too much money to fix everything!! But it came to show that it was changing my diet completely and becoming gluten and dairy free that changed my life. I dont have pain in my legs anymore and I discovered this was not a chronic desease!!! Diet changed EVERYTHING!!! I still dont have the legs of a ballerina, but I sure am happy with my body and even proud of it!! I am done with squeezing my legs and hoping they will look different the next day! At hight school one of my teachers told me: Camilla, I hope you know you will never become a dancer. You will be a great teacher though!! Now teaching hiphop and popping at high school amongst actually being a proffesional dancer, having toured in ceveral countries arond the world, won battles, choreographed thousands of people and running a dance studio I sure as hell am HAPPY that i NEVER let anyone tell me I CAN´T!!! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU PUT YOUR MIND INTO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:44:32 +0000

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