Victim : (a) one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or - TopicsExpress


Victim : (a) one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment. Over the past few years, I have seen this word used in voice and text by the media, social groups and in person by people who wrongfully and ignorantly misunderstand its definition. I wanted to take the time to inform society and those who use this word as a excuse for their actions and their self perceived social hierarchy. I recently was at Petsmart to take my dogs to be seen by the vet and during the visit a man of Hispanic descent, I neither cared nor was interested but he made sure I knew, brought in a rottweiler that was obviously and evidently used for fighting. On his way into the store he was seen by patrons striking his dog and using abusive language while doing so. Several patrons decided to say something to him about his mistreatment of his dog to which he became extremely agitated while verbally and physically aggressive with his hands and posture. He then decided to start yelling and taking pictures of people with his phone to which I took time to confront him on his obvious violations of privacy and vourism laws. At this point he decided to aggressively walk towards me to which I told him to rethink this actions. He stepped back and I asked him why he was acting crudely and belligerent to which he stated you wouldnt understand because youre white! That statement bring me to the entire problem with our soceity. People want to use race as if it was a synonom with the word victim. He as well as all of the thugs that riot and loot in Ferguson act as though race gives them the ability to do whatever they want because they are victims. We see it every day, people blame McDonalds for being obese, he was shot because he was black, he was pulled over for speeding because he was hispanic, he raped a child or woman because he was molested. Instead lets look at the obvious answer; your obese because you eat too many calories and foods high in fat, you were shot because you attacked a police officer and tried to disarm him, you were cited for speeding because you in fact were speeding, and you raped because you have no moral character. If you act like a drudge to soceity be prepared to be treated as such, if you want to have a poor diet be prepared to be obese and finally if you look at a persons skin color to give validation for your actions or explain why something are a racist! No more nor less because that is the answer. Stop looking for excuses or validations where there are none! In conclusion, I am a 26 year old white male who lives in the US. I work every day to feed my family and help contribute to soceity. If you want to play a victim in soceity lets look at facts. When I took my civil service exam for police I scored a 97.6% and did not even get interview because there were people who scored over a 100%. How is that possible you ask, let me tell you. If you are female you get an extra 10 points just for testing, if you are a minority you also gain an extra 10 points. How does that work or better explain how a black female is 20% more applicable than me? According to the definition I would be considered a victim because I was oppressed by a minority female, but I am not going to loot and riot in the streets. Instead I am going to do things to separate myself by getting a degree and excelling in physical standards. I will not be a victim because that is adjective that I have the ability to change, unlike my race or nationality. If you accept an adjective as an end all be all to describe you then you are no better than the words described and hold no place at the table for your voice to be heard. Change your mindset and every thing else will come together.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:46:54 +0000

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