Victor Palmer August 10 at 10:25pm I am really new to this - TopicsExpress


Victor Palmer August 10 at 10:25pm I am really new to this sort of thing (but have always had a great fascination with Norse Mythology and such) but am experiencing a bit of trouble trying to really understand the Eddas and such. Is there a way to find them with footnotes or some explanations ? For instance, when I was trying to find more info about Loki, I found a passage that mentions his argument with the Gods where he demands a seat at the table in the hal,(not sure where in the Eddas) and the dialogue left me somewhat baffled. Is there any source that I could find to better understand these ? LikeLike · 2 people like this. Victor Palmer Keep in mind, that while I have always had a fascination for such myths, I have never really studied or could find more information about it.So I am REALLY NEW to this and hope my question does not look silly. I have heard of Heathen/Asatru/Odinist and several other types, but always seemed to come up with blanks about it. Oddly enough, once I really decided to take some spare time and look it up, all sorts of strange things have been happening (of course, could be my imagination) August 10 at 10:40pm · Edited · Like Ed Ram You are not alone, the Eddas do conjure images in our minds. I have not looked for any other sources or footnotes, not because I am some sort of know-it-all or I do not care, it is more of time-consuming issue. What I HAVE done is read a passage over and over and that has helped. Yesterday at 9:42am · Like · 1 Charlie Verrette Baffled as to why Loki is so rude? Hes like Yesterday at 10:46am · Like Charlie Verrette Myths? Not to me. Not that I think Asgard is sitting in the sky like a sky carrier but its a real place. Yesterday at 10:49am · Like · 1 Erin Lale I think the story you refer to is Lokasenna, which, the dialogue is in the form of a traditional insult contest. Its like watching the video of the Roast of Bill Shatner without having watched any of his movies. Thats why its baffling. Keep in mind that all the written mythology was written down in the post-conversion era, so what were getting is not necessarily the way the heathen ancestors would have heard and understood it when it was unwritten oral tradition. Yesterday at 10:56am · Like · 2 Victor Palmer Sorry I did not mean to offend anyone by using the word myth. Like I said, I have always had a very strong attraction to Older Norse beliefs, for some reason. But it seems like the few times that I have tried to seek them out, I would run into multiple brick walls and very vague answers. Um for instance, it was only recent reading that changed my view of The Vikings (I had only heard of all the negative stereotypes of conquering, pillaging etc.) but found myself reading about their seafaring, their attention to cleanliness, the fact that there never was one group that was called Vikings but many in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc.). I guess my point to this is, that I am pretty much in spiritual Kindergarten here. I searched certain websites, and was very hesitant to ask any questions. However, every time I thought I had an answer, it resulted in about fifty more questions. Yesterday at 11:21am · Like Charlie Verrette Offend? Me? Pretty hard to do but thanks.And you will find Heathens fairly thick skinned,I hope. Just dont hide my bong when I get home from work and youre Yesterday at 11:43am · Like · 1 Wolf Friedman Victor, I would recommend The Poetic Edda, as translated with introduction and notes by Carolyne Larrington, Oxford Worlds Classics. This is a very accessible translation. The Elder Edda is readily comprehensible if you accept that it contains a single coherent, if disjointed, narrative. Vicyor, the figure of L*ki confuses many of our contemporaries, for some reason. But lore is clear and direct concerning his Jotun nature and character. He, like his wolf-son Fenrir, was offered the trust of the Aesir, and betrayed it. In his case through the treacherous murder of Odins son, the beloved Badur- which resulted in the breaking of the blood oath that Odin had sworn to him. This resulted in the terrific and well deserved reprisal-murder of Lokis son and the binding of the treacherous one with the sons entrails, until Ragnarok. In the case of his loathsome spawn, the Fenris Wolf, the loss of the hand of our valiant Tyr was the price of misplaced trust. 4 hrs · Like Erin Lale Interpretations of Loki differ greatly. Calling any murder of innocent children well-deserved goes way beyond a differing interpretation of Loki, though. It would be far more accurate to say that Odin and Loki reflect each other, their stories parallel each other in multiple ways, including the loss of both their sons by their final wives, in addition to both being associated with wolves and snakes and both being shape-shifters, etc. Until the Norse period there is no evidence they were even considered separate gods. They are both dark and light and very much brothers. 2 hrs · Like Wolf Friedman Delightful Erin, But the Edda is specific and consistent in its presentation of this beast, sire and dam of beasts. There is no rational and honest interpretation of the Elder Edda when taken, honestly, at face value. Occams Razor cuts cleanly on this. If it is born of Jotnar, acts like Jotnar, spawns Jotnar- it is Jotnar. Edda is clear: he is an unmitigated scoundrel: worthy of no respect, trust, or honors. You do as you please, and please whom you will- that is what will be important to you. 1 hr · Like Erin Lale Taking any ancient literature at face value is a mistake, especially a mythology that was oral tradition and was written down in the post- Christian conversion era. Everything must be filtered to find the original heathen content below the lens of the authors Christianity, and everything must be interpreted according to its symbolism and the story behind the story. 1 hr · Like Wolf Friedman Erin- Do not dare to tell me or other Heathens how to assimilate OUR Lore. If we chose not to torture it- to obtain whatever we desire to hear in it- that is our doing and out right! It is you that is mistaken Erin, in telling Heathens how to approach their faith. It makes you look intolerant and fascistic. 1 hr · Edited · Like Erin Lale Dude. You were expressing your opinion as if it were the only right one, even using the term honest. I expressed my opinion in contrast because I dont agree with you and am trying to answer the OPs question. There is no call to use a term like fascistic. I am not creating a corporation that controls the government, which is what fascism is. 1 hr · Like Wolf Friedman Dearest Erin, (since I am a Dude; I will answer your condescending and abusive name-calling- with affection), I speak with the conviction of my faith and of my experience. You, Erin, seemingly delight in telling people what to believe- but you do not permit others to speak THEIR convictions. Not only governments are fascistic, you know. I would never call you a fascist… that would be name-calling. You should stop harassing me for my beliefs! 1 hr · Like Erin Lale I am not harassing you. I am saying literature should be interpreted as literature. You are the one using ugly terms with very ugly history, like fascistic. Stop it. Look at your own post and say you did not call me a fascist. Did I tell you what to believe? No. Did I tell you stop insulting one of our own gods? No, I didnt, no matter how much I wanted to. I didnt call you any names, but you called me one, and you claim Im harassing you? Im about to call you an internet troll if you dont stop calling me a fascist. 1 hr · Like Wolf Friedman You are badgering me for stating my opinion and belief, like it is less worth that yours. I did not call you anything. I observed that you dogma and interations with others seem totalitarian to me. If I had intended to call you a fascist, I could have said: Erin Lale you are a fascist! I did not do that! This is the nuance of the English language. English is a wonderful thing. You have stated your belief and opinion on your religion. I have stated mine. Now, I am telling you to … LEAVE ME ALONE. 1 hr · Like Larisa Hunter As a moderator and co chair of TAC i would like to remind everyone to please refrain from hate speech. Although as all have a variety of opinions please keep the by laws in mind when entering into debates. Thank You. 1 hr · Like · 2 Erin Lale Thank you, Larisa. 1 hr · Like Wolf Friedman I just want to be left alone Larisa, I have asked Erin Lale three times to stop badgering me~ Please tell her to stop harassing me for my beliefs and to leave me alone. 1 hr · Like Wolf Friedman Please read the threads carefully Larisa Hunter, I have not called her any names. I want no discord on this page and I will be happy to block her if I need to, so you can maintain concord on this page. Just let me know. 1 hr · Like Erin Lale Larisa, could you lock this thread, please? Every time my name is tagged, Facebook sends me a notification and brings my attention back here. I am getting off the net entirely for the rest of the morning so I dont keep getting the tag notifications. 58 mins · Like Wolf Friedman She just wont leave this alone Larisa Hunter. We are trying to answer questions of a newcomer and closing the tread would be a disservice to him. 56 mins · Like Seth Alföðurson ok what is going on here? 22 mins · Like Larisa Hunter Seth Alföðurson I have forwarded this all to the council for further help 18 mins · Like · 1
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:37:43 +0000

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