Vietnam Project Initiations Series - Part 3 ~ Lord Kuthumi ~ - TopicsExpress


Vietnam Project Initiations Series - Part 3 ~ Lord Kuthumi ~ Channelled through Michelle Manders© This final stage in the activation of energies linked to the journey of illumination for this trilogy of initiations is one that supports humanity through the mental body linked specifically through the major glands within the body. We have worked with some of the major glands already, however, when one draws light into the glands as this initiation will bring about, it alters the chemical system of your body. When the chemical system of your body undergoes an alteration there are changes that take place psychologically and, of course hormonally. This influences your personality and brings out certain characteristics in you that you may consider desirable or not so desirable. The purpose of this is to help you better understand your authentic self. The journey of the spiritual warrior and that of the light warrior is to ensure that one is fully connected to the authentic self; living from the space of authenticity, which means you are living your truth. Some have asked me, “what does it mean to live my truth, I don’t understand what the authentic self is.” Your authentic self; your truth, is the part of you that is not bogged down by the layers of illusions you have adopted as your belief systems or personality traits. It is things that have been projected upon you by the external world, and it is also what you have assumed as your role based on your perception of life. For the past eleven years, more intensively over the past nine years, and especially over the past eighteen months you have gone through a marathon of removing many of those illusions; peeling back layer after layer after layer, and every layer you are removing you are getting closer to your core self, your truth, the authentic you, the part of you that perhaps despises scrambled eggs and has always loved boiled eggs, but because you were told boiled eggs were smelly you choose scrambled, you get the idea, yes? The authentic self is also the parts of you embodying what you TRULY feel, think and KNOW. Therefore, at times the authentic self can be perceived as the “undesirable” aspects of your personality, simply because the authentic self is expressing the authenticity of its (your) authentic feelings! When you stifle what you truly feel and think in order to keep the peace, or because of the threat of punishment, ridicule, rejection etc., you are stifling your authentic self. Therefore, there comes a time when the authentic self refuses to remain invisible any longer and rebels. This is usually when you react, or behave “out of character” as some might say. You are delving deep inside of yourself, going deeper, and the deeper you go the closer you get to the pure consciousness of the inner child; the purity of self. Your authentic self is pure even if your authentic self behaves in ways that are considered or judged as “impure” by society. Before we go any further stop and accept the fact that everything in life which you know to be right or wrong is so because of a judgement. I am sure some of you have heard the saying that “the only difference between a weed and a flower is in fact a judgement.” So why judge your purity based on an external reality made up of billions of perceptions and trillions of opinions, all of which have been pooled together into a matrix and thrown at you to cause confusion, to make you feel as bad as you can about yourself, because the worse you feel about yourself the needier you are. The needier you are the more fear motivated you become because that need to be loved, accepted, and pure is a force so strong that the fear of not having it acknowledged pushes you, haunts and torments you. What I am doing is showing you a way to achieve just that, but not through the matrix of the fixed world, I am showing you another avenue through the authentic self. Your authentic self holds no judgement, for your authentic self is authentic. It is truth, pure, raw truth. That means there is nothing more than that in terms of placing any kind of judgement upon it. It just is truth, simple. The simple truth is authentic, and that is your claircognizant self; the part of you that knows everything about you; the part of you that knows exactly what is right for you, what you feel, and what your truth is in general. You will see that this initiation is going to catapult you into another level of your own self-discovery, or need for self-discovery. This need becomes an inner drive, a “mission” so to speak, and as you search for that self you recognise that the world outside of you becomes more distant, especially the world that you have associated with that has mirrored all the aspects of yourself that have represented and reflected the illusion. Therefore, as each illusion is stripped away there is a part of your physical life that is stripped away as well, and what that stripping away leaves you with is a level of authenticity. As each level is dismantled you get closer and closer to the truth of who you can trust, of what it is you wish to participate in and what your true desires and motivations are. Initially it may appear as if there is a very “tight circle;” a very small “world” left once many of those layers have been peeled away, however that too is an illusion, for what you are left with is a level of authenticity in the process of creating the next phase of your life. The magnetic field within that energy is preparing for the next level of physicality to manifest in your reality. Thus the blueprint will energetically be laid, and once that is grounded, you find a series of events happen very rapidly bringing all the new energies into your life, new people, new circumstances, new situations, new offers and so on and so forth. In some instances you may be reconciled with people that were removed from your space for a while, and that person may have gone through the same process of peeling away the illusionary layers, and when you meet each other again, or interact with each other again, there is a new connection because you realise your authentic selves are far more connected than the projected selves ever were. There is an inner marriage that takes place between the two fields of light and a new relationship forms. For some of you these connections may come from past timelines, perhaps from very early on in your childhood, but they will be very positive connections. With us increasing the quotients of light coming into your body, you will find that your energy field vibrates a lot quicker. This vibration has a pulling sensation to it; a magnetism, and those of you who have been working with the teachings for some time now will see that this magnetism has already increased, therefore I must say, do not be disturbed if you pull “shady characters” into your energy field, this is for a very important purpose. The energy field you now embody has the ability to shatter the old fixed universe matrix, therefore on a soul level this person will gravitate towards you, the higher self offering their ego aspect of self an opportunity to break out of the fixed universe. Your energy and presence is what shatters that entire field. Excerpt, Kuthumi-Agrippa. This series of Initiations are being included in the Africa 2014 Project. If you are participating in this project it is suggested that you work through this 3 part series too. There are also 4 channellings from our Namibia Project in 2008 that form part of the Africa Project that will be published over the next two weeks, so please keep an eye out for their publication announcement here on Facebook. Visit our FREE CHANNELLINGS section of our website for a variety of FREE teachings and processes in support of Global Healing and positive self-empowerment.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 04:40:20 +0000

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