Viewpoint: Only legislation for punishing the mullahs or person - TopicsExpress


Viewpoint: Only legislation for punishing the mullahs or person belonging to any sect found propogating violance or hatred against other Muslims sects should be brought to book and punished accordingly. In this matter we should study the Anti Hate legislation carried out by western states to control hatred among its subject.Actually the problem being faced by us as a Muslim is that we dont study and dont have even basic knowledge of Muslim History. We dont have even knowledge of history of muslim religious lierature. This dielmma multiplies in case of 95% of Mullahs being created and manufactured in our religious schools coupled with the fact that all such schools are managed by secterian groups whether shia or sunni. The element manufactured from this institution are so brainwashed that they dont want to study the literature of rival sects and are totally deviod of modern techniques of historical research. I will suggest that if these religious elements are stopped of using terms in their lectures or speeches that ravi kehta hai or bazurgun sai suna hai or falak sai awaaz aie or khawab mai milai aur kaha or narrating talks in between Hazrat Musa or Hazrat Adam or other religious personalities as they themselves were present there then you see they would not be able to talk more then few mins. Irony of the fate is even educated follow the line of mullah without challenging his veracity. It is the lesson of history that wherever muslims are in majority dont make Islam a issue if one will do that then Islam will start acting as a force of disintegration as deep rooted religious differences of various muslims sect will wake up to life and will destroy the fabric of society. Where ever Muslims are in majority struggle should be made for enforcement of Islamic concept of social justice. During Pakistan Movement muslims became united force fearing the threat of hindu domination. Likewise In Movement against Ayub Khan all Pakistanis were United; in movement against Zulifqar Ali Bhutto Pakistani nation was divided on the basis of their political affiliation and not on the basis of secterian thinking. I with my own eyes have seen Mullahs of all sect offering Namaz behind Shah Ahmed Noorani in political meeting held in Faisalabad. An Islamic state is secular in nature in spite of being managed by muslim majority because State has no religion and it has to protect its subject without caring to which caste, creed or religion they belong. My role model Imam Ali Karam Allah Hu Wajhai Ul Kareem while writing to Malik Ashtar told him that Remember, Maalik, that amongst your subjects there are two kinds of people: those who have the same religion as you have; they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you. and this should be the motto of modern muslim state. Equality is the basis of Islam and State has to treat all subjects on equality. I would differ with people when they divide Muslim Community on the basis of sects. There is no sects in ISLAM and Islamic Concept has no place of secterian division. The Holy Quran addresses Muslims in two terms either as Muslim or Momin. The letters wrritten by Imam Hussain Salam Allah Hu Alaiha to the people of Basra and Kufa are part of history now. Go through these letters and you will observe that Imam has used only these two terms while addressing the community. It is reported that a person asked Imam Jaffar Sadiq Salam Allah Hu Alaiha that what is the difference in between Muslim and Momin. Imam replied that muslim is a person who believes in Allah and the Holy Prophet PBUH and Momin is a person who follows the commands of Allah and the Holy Prophet PBUH. The muslim community even today is to be divided on these lines and rest is all commercialism. One is a fool if he follows commercialised Islam whether commercialized in the name of Holy Prophet PBUH and His Ahlai Bait or commercialized on the basis of Holy Prophet PBUH and Sahaba Rizwan Allah Hai Ajmaien. The present day majority of community mostly consisits of muslims only with very few momins.The time has come when our community; to which sect we may belong; has to decide that will we allow the Pseudo religious commercialized element to destroy the peace and harmony of community and Pakistan on the basis of their narrow and secterian interpretations of Islam; or by fighting on the issues which are more cultural then religious. We as a community have to learn to differenciate in between Islam and Arab Culture; between myths and realities; between recorded history and superstitious stories; between Shariat and jurisprudence; between Islam and taliban culture; between Islam and shia culture; between Islam and Sunni Barelvi Deoband Culture. We have to decide whether we as a community want to move forward or to stay dormant; we have to decide that whether we have to struggle for the enforcement of accepted principles of social justice of Islam or to enforce jurisprudence or fiqh of sects which in itself have become redundant with the passage of time. History is to be studied with unbiased mind and lessons to be learned for future. History is not to be taken as gospel truth but as a source to carry out analytical study in honest manner. The sects should carry out the analytical study of their own literature and to rectfiy the past mistake and amend their view point accordingly. I am an unbiased non secterian person and had has always remained student of history. I am of the considered view that all sects had created fictitious events in history; doctored documents;fabricated stories and hadithS; supersitious literature which could only appeal to the mind of fools not to prudence. We have to understand historical events cant be changed now but could be studied and opinions formed. But we have to keep in mind that their could be difference in historical opinions and we have to live with this difference. The enforcement of opinion through force is to be condemned at all cost. The muslims belonging to any sects believe in Allah, the Holy Prophet PBUH, Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. Let these sects be allowed to practice in accirdance to their believes and left alone ignored as non exsistent but dealt with sternly if they attempt to destroy the peace of community and Pakistan. Saner element should struggle for enforcement of Sosial Justice in society. Their are serious problems then the problems of cultural and commercialized secterian issues. The exsistence of Pakistan is on stake, economic condition Deteriorating; social issues, economic issues, issue of population, insurgency and terrorism etc. Instead of solving these issues the establishment and mullacracy are fanning secterian hatred in Pakistan.These reactionary forces are bound to fail as apart from few fanatics elements available in all sect majority of Pakistanis belonging to any caste creed or religion or sects have nothing to do with such elements. They are peace loving people and had laways proved through their acts that they will never fall into the trap of religious elements and would always stand for the cause of Islam and humanity.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:57:26 +0000

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