WARNING: EQUEST LONG ACTING WORMER CAUSING COLIC IN FOALS?? Something to think about and make your own risk decision. One of our close friends rang today - her 4mo foal has just developed colic and severe seizures, 6 days after being administered Equest in the green and gold packet. The product was purchased on advice and dispensed along with correct dosage confirmed by a veterinary surgery last week and in correct use-by date. Foal is now in Equine Hospital and touch-and-go. The treating specialist vet said in his opinion it was likely to have been caused by the wormer, was the second foal case he had seen from the same worming product in the last few months and the previous foal died, and the UK visiting vet said she has seen several cases over there, and in her opinion repeated alerts to the manufacturer has not resulted in any action, and in her opinion vets are wanting the packaging changed to reflect it is unsuitable for foals under 12 months. This is close to my heart as 4 years ago I personally used this exact same product with two fully grown mares, after using the tape to estimate weight and given both the correct dose, and both within about 12 - 16 hours colicked and rolled under the yard fences, one with leg cuts and broken wire. I reported the batch and number to the manufacturer then, and had to ring and check they had received the information, and had a virtual nil response. The Equine Hospital is going to send information to the manufacturer tomorrow. Sharing as Im about to worm ours soon for the second time (used iMax Gold the first time) and I will be choosing not to use this particular product.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 05:10:09 +0000

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