WARNING: Long-winded post ahead As 2014 draws to a close, Im - TopicsExpress


WARNING: Long-winded post ahead As 2014 draws to a close, Im reflecting like everyone else. This year was a reality check year. I think many of us have perceived invincibility when it comes to our health. For me, Ive definitely lost that perception. In late August, I finally had routine blood work done and those results revealed, among other things, that my kidney function was severely reduced. That was only the beginning of what has seemed like a never ending maze of doctors, specialists, endless lab work, procedures, a biopsy, numerous x-Rays and CT scans, a radioactive bone scan, and an MRI. Ive been referred to as a House case (like the TV show) by multiple medical professionals. Ive been told my test results dont match my appearance or symptoms. Also that there are no other tests to perform to determine why a 37 year old woman without diabetes, high-blood pressure, or any other risk factors, has stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Today I am very grateful to say that I was released from my oncologist that I was referred to because some of my lab work indicated that my kidney damage was caused by a bone marrow cancer called Multiple Myeloma. That was probably the scariest part of this whole journey and Im so very relieved that the c-word is not part of my story right now!! I havent really kept this a secret, but I havent made it public either because every couple of weeks brought a different hypothesis and new round of testing. Now that all the big stuff is ruled out, I ask for your prayers as I learn to live with CKD. The main symptoms I have include fatigue, weakness, mental fogginess, poor circulation, especially to my fingers, and general grumpiness (ugh). Please pray that these things dont keep me from enjoying life with my family and in my classroom, and also that my kidney function does not decrease to a point that I need dialysis (aint nobody got time for that! lol). I have to learn a new way to eat and Im hoping Ill be able to get back into the gym soon! Im just so very grateful this is ALL I have to deal with, it could be MUCH worse. So, my PSA is to go get your wellness check that your insurance company gives you incentive dollars for. That routine blood work is so important! You never know what might be lurking! (If Id had mine done earlier, I might have been able to reduce the amount of permanent damage to my kidneys)
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:55:54 +0000

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