WARNING: SEVERELY GRAPHIC CONTENT!!! For those of you that have - TopicsExpress


WARNING: SEVERELY GRAPHIC CONTENT!!! For those of you that have heard the term ISIS or ISIL, it is a common acronym for an unrecognized state calling themselves the Islamic State. They have been fighting for control of Iraqi and Syrian land and are in the midst of a civil war there. They are using social media for recruitment and are making attempts to motivate people of Muslim faith to attack and kill non-Muslim people. This video is a portrayal of what is happening in the Middle East, and is relative to what this group is attempting to mobilize in any Muslim-occupied country. That includes our own Canada. Yesterday the US has fore-fronted airstrikes on ISIS territory in an attempt to rattle their defences while an appropriate anti-terror, ISIS elimination plan can be put into motion. Be aware of the threat of ISIS. Watch for signs of uprisings, report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Together we can prevent terror attacks in our homeland. #openyoureyes #preventterrorism #stopthethreat
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 19:57:24 +0000

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