WATER HARDNESS : WATER HARDNESS IS A MATTER OF CONCERN TODAY . WE USE EXPENSIVE FITTINGS IN OUR KITCHEN AREA AND BATHROOMS. AND THESE FITTINGS SHINE FADES AWAY VERY SOON . FLOOR OF OUR HOUSES LOOSES ITS SHINE VERY SOON . OUR EXPENSIVE CLOTHES COLOUR AND SHINE GETS DULL VERY SOON .EVEN SKIN AND HAIR RELATED PROBLEM ARISES DUE TO HEAVY WATER . AND ALL THIS IS BECAUSE OF HARDNESS IN WATER . Soften Your Entire Household Water Supply : Install a mechanical water softener that replaces calcium and magnesium with sodium if your water source is hard. • Mechanical water softeners prevent lime scale, increase the efficiency of heating your water, and lengthens the life of your clothing and other items that you regularly launder. • There are several water softeners on the market that range in price, operating costs and effectiveness. You must test the treated water before drinking it. Install a magnetic water conditioner that alters calcium ions so they are unable to cause lime scale. • Water conditioners are less expensive and typically cheaper to operate, and the resulting water is safe for drinking. • Conditioners are not effective on all cases of hard water and do not usually come with softening guarantees. Critics are skeptical that they work at all. The degree of softening varies more than water treated by mechanical softeners. 1. Boil your water before drinking it. You might also want to use boiled water for cleaning your kitchen and bathroom, brushing your teeth, bathing and washing your hair to increase the effectiveness of your cleaning products. • After boiling water for a few minutes, allow it to cool. Visible lime particles will settle on the surface of the water. Scoop off the top layer of particles and discard them before using the water. • Alternately, allow the water to sit longer and the particles will fall to the bottom. Scoop out the fresh water carefully so as to not disturb the settled lime particles. Discard the bottom few inches of water where lime particles remain. 2. Soften water using washing soda or lime. • In the past, households with hard water often softened it by filling large open kegs with water and then adding some washing-soda or lime. The water has to stand for several days and then must be drawn from the top of the kegs. • This method is not commonly used today because of the amount of time it requires. 3. Add ammonia, borax, lye or washing-soda to the water at the same time you add the soap when doing laundry and other household cleaning. • These products will not soften the water but are known to prevent the lime from interacting with the soap, helping suds form. Follow package warnings and instructions carefully when using. • Dissolve 1 pound of washing-soda in 1 quart of boiling water. After cooling, store the solution in a closed bottle. Mix two tablespoons of the solution into one gallon of water to use when cleaning. • Dissolve 1/4 tablespoon of lye in one cup of water. Mix the solution into one gallon of water. 4. Use a water filter pitcher that provides water softening for drinking water.These are available in many retail stores under many brand names. Some of these filters provide water softening to help drinking water, coffee, tea and other beverages retain their flavors and aromas. 5. Put a similar type of filter on your kitchen and bathroom sink faucets to provide softening for water dispensed through the tap. This is the easiest method if you want to filter water for cleaning. Some models have switch-off valves so you can draw water from the tap without running it through the filter if you choose.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 09:58:14 +0000

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