WE ARE DEFINED BY OUR BAD DAYS...,NOT STRICTLY OUR GOOD DAYS...Your character is different from your personality..... Ok, lets talk! You can always plead your case with God. Do so in good spirit. God listens and enjoys when a child comes with a thankful heart. That is his purpose of creation- that we may occupy the earth, inherit the fullness therein and return with thanksgiving. But sometimes things happen and we go to him with a heavy heart. Sometimes it is our fault. Other times, it is some other persons fault. And sometimes, we hurt because we are at the wrong place at the wrong time or crossed the roads of life without looking left, right and left again before crossing. In such moods, God also listens. Even if you are heartbroken or heavy-hearted, he wants us to keep a good spirit, fear not, pray always and be hopeful that he sees all. You see my friend, anger kills. You know it does. But being angry is not always bad but being too angry and refusing to let go is extremely self destructive and can often lead you to doing things you would not have done if you have self control. You must not let issues of life get to you so deep that you lose your mind and begin to curse, shake head and act irrational. No one says you should not react when you feel disrespected, abused, falsely accused or mistreated and doubted. But at all times, you should apply restraint. TAME SELF. Taming self is putting your temperament under control. It makes a world of difference. Wise men pause before they act, even after they react angrily on the inside. The divine advice is not for you to bottle up anger but dont fight, bark and punch when provoked. YOU CAN LET IT OUT WITHOUT LETTING LOSE. The wise rule the unwise. Be wise. Tame anger. Learn to quarrel and disagree without warring. So, when next you are angry, remember GOD. When you are provoked, pray silently. Try the 3-seconds pause before you react. Breath out- think God and find a reason to love even in anger. Dont pray for someones death. Do not use juju on anyone. No one ever went that way without paying the price someday with their own life or with their childrens lives. Mysterious things happen AND probably some people you knew died because they once caused someone else death, sometime in the past. Those who consult juju to settle scores also die by juju...for the devil who works for you must be compensatrd. Be warned because he that live by the gun, die by the gun. God will not excuse you to kill because you were angered by the one you killed or made useless. If you are not careful, you can sin while fighting for your rights. Let God decide. Practice Christianity when angry, not just on Sunday or your birthday. How you act when angry is the true person you are. Anger destroys beauty and professionalim. Ability to tame anger makes you a better person. All you need to do when hurt is pray and ask God to find you another means , another tool and another way to keep moving on. Though, hurt ,hurts, if you endure, you shall smile down the road. DONT DOUBT GODS WORDS. I have delivered his message to you. Now make use of it.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 23:43:22 +0000

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