WE CAN REMEMBER THE LARGER INTENTION THAT MOTIVATES HISTORY THROUGH PRAYER, MEDITATION, AND PRESENCE IN UNSPOILED, SACRED NATURE We can go within and remember, go back to that place of wisdom and remember the larger intention that has motivated history. Whether through prayer or meditation, or walks through the energy of an unspoiled, sacred site, we can remember the vision of the future human world we are moving to create. We have always known this moment would come: the time when we could fully bring into consciousness our evolutionary goal and then all work together in full awareness to get there. The first event we see in our vision is a great wave building at this moment in history, pushed forward by individuals who can see a positive future. Whats more, we can see the first course of action - to resolve the polarization of opinion that blocks our continued evolution - and precisely how to accomplish this task. If we look at the situation from the perspective of our new spiritual awareness, we can see that while some people are resisting the building of a spiritual culture on earth on earth because of fear, most are resisting because of a deep-seated intuition that many important values held in the old worldview are in danger of being lost in the transition. They seem to be worrying that in our efforts to liberate human potential, too much power is moving to centralized governments around the world, and we are losing the important values of personal initiative and self-reliance and responsibility. And we must assume that they are voicing the truth as they express this concern. We can see, then, that to resolve the polarization, we must begin to integrate the best ideas of both sides. We can also see that this can occur as the wave of new awareness begins to affect the political forces aligned on one side or the other. Think tanks, news organizations, and politicians themselves will find higher perspective on these issues. For instance, we might look at the national budget. This issue is not just about deficits, it is about corrupt appropriations and tax loopholes that benefit special interests at the expense of the public good. These problems can be resolved very quickly if all politicians rise to the occasion and divorce themselves from the special interests that seek unfair privilege. It would only take a reputable group of statesmen and stateswomen, perhaps retired, to hold weekly press conferences - naming names, exposing special interest legislation - to turn public sentiment around. Government must end the welfare given to business and corporate constituencies, and comb through the maze of social welfare systems, including entitlements to the wealthy elderly, keeping only those entitlements that are genuinely fair. What about the rest of human society? Synchronicity has been moving millions of individuals inspired by the new awareness into precisely the right position to accomplish their missions, and now we can see the larger vision of what we want to happen. The heroes are all in place, and the heroes are us. Well suddenly look out on our profession, our office, our job, and well say, this place is not functioning at its highest level of purpose. And because we understand the dynamics of energy competition, these interventions can take place with less hostility and more inspired cooperation. Sometimes, quite unexpectedly, well find others who are there just to help us. And well even remember that we planned together, before birth, to come to this location to reform a particular situation or institution. Thus we can all remember in a higher way that we intended, at this time in history, for there to be a great wave of inspired action that would sweep across the planet, addressing all of the worlds current problems. ● From PERCEIVING THE WORLD VISION, VISUALIZING HUMAN DESTINY, The Celestine Vision - Living the New Spiritual Awareness by James Redfield.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:38:48 +0000

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