WELL STATED! GOSH PERHAPS THAT EXPLAINS MANY OF THE MUSLIM PEOPLE PLACED IN HIGH LEVEL FEDERAL JOBS ,BOTH IN FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE MILITARY. WHEN A MUSLIMS COMMITS A CRIME IT IS WORK PLACE VIOL. NOT A TERRORIST CRIME!!!!!!!!! On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 7:50 AM, Steve Davis < sdavis@level5> wrote: Just passing this on with no comment. Interesting observation though . . . Since when does a plain wedding band need repairs, along with your watch, for a whole month? In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing his wedding ring nor was he wearing his watch. When noticed, his staff said his ring was out for repairs. No reason was given for the missing watch. So its just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing jewelry during the month of Ramadan ,... , , Cant possibly be that, because although he hasnt gone to a Christian church service since entering the White House, we know hes a committed Christian cause he said so during his campaign. This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as president at the White House. His children do not receive Christmas presents. Lets just face the facts and quit trying to distort the truth, we have a Muslim for president in the White House, and he has no knowledge of American history. Oh by the way........Why does your president use the term ISIL instead of ISIS? EVERY time your clown in chief uses ISIL, he sends a message to the islamic pig kissers. ISIL is the term for that region of the mid-east that does NOT include the country of Israel.** ISIL eliminates Israel from the map. So, every time your muslim president says ISIL, hes saying he does NOT recognize Israel as a state. Funny, I dont recognize him as a president. **look it up!!!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 21:27:57 +0000

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