WHAT ARE THE INGRIDIENTS OF A GOOD LEADER FOR GHANAS DEVELOPMENT AGENDA? PERSONAL QUALITIES PLUS PRACTICAL PROGRAMS OR EVIL MARCHINATIONS? .......................................................................................................................................... Today is a Sunday which coincided with the last day of Ramadan for my lovely Moslem brothers. I have been reading through some messages on social media and was loving the people of my country because of the love being shown by all and will love to add my voice to wish all my Moslem friends Barka Da Sallah. Then it dawned on me as to why people who love this country and even WISH to become leaders of the lovely country will go all out to destroy the nation before they become leaders of same country? Who and what would they rule when the country is totally destroyed? Wont it be ideal if we all assist to build the nation while designing a better way to manage the economy and present such programs to the electorates for consideration? I carefully watched the video of Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo for about ten times last night when it was sent to me by a friend and was covered by goose pimples ten times. Nana Addo joined the presidencial race several years ago when the fourth republican constitution was passed. In 2008 he became the flag bearer at the age of 64. Many expected him to be a gentleman as an elderly person in society and play a fair game during the campaign as he explained his programs and strategies to the electorates. Unfortunately that was not the case as he tried and succeeded in changing the political terain with insults, insinuations and violence agenda against his opponents just for power. Immediately he made the all-die-be-die comments, hell broke loose for all his team to go on the rampage with insults. Since then the political environment of this country has never been very comfortable to all well meaning Ghanaians. Many even have the convictions that technocrats are scared from joining the politics because of these insults. I strongly believe that but for such insults on political opponents very experience experts would have willingly join hands with the government to fix our economic turmoil. It was for the above reasons that many of us accepted the apology from Nana Addo when he came back from his vacation in London and declared his intentions to stand for the race ones again. At a very old age of 70, I believe Ghanaians saw a new Nana Addo who realised that he is now old enough to give up all evil machinations and conduct himself as a true state an while appealing to the ecectorate to conseder him again for the third time. Unfortunately however, there is all evidence that Nana Addo hs not changed one bit. Instead of changing for the best at such an old age he is rather changing for the worst and this must be great worries about some of these events in this early days as we prepare the grounds for the next elections in 2016. When the news broke that Nana Addo was soliciting the assistance of Chiefs in the Eastern Region to get on the streets and deminstrate against the government, many were those who thought it was way below the belt. Though some others think the chiefs did very well by going on such deminstrations least they forgot that if such activities were being instigated by Nana Addo, who wants to become president of this country, then it raised serious questions and concerns. Many even believed that the various agitations currently ongoing in the country, like the #OccupyFlagstaffHouse, Yabre Demo and the recent Late Prof Mills second anniversary organized labour demo were instigated by his party. As if these were not enough, we now have a video trending on social media about a meeting Nana Addo held recently in London with some Ghanaian Business communities. In the video one can clearly hear Nana Addo calling on our friends in the diaspora to keep the temperature high. I believe he was asking them to continue with the various demonstrations against the government. Then he also asked then to appeal to the British government to stop giving aids and assistance to Ghana but rather support his efforts to change our voters register with this moneys. Interesting hah? So now the efforts by Nana Addo and his NPP to manipulate the voters register to favour them is more important than the developmental agenda of the whole country? Isnt it very scary for such a call coming from noe mean a person that Nana Addo who seriously WISHED to become a president of this nation? Isnt it very important for such aspiring person to be telling the nation how he would make positive changes that will effect on the economic development if the nation? Do we really need such a person to become the leader of this country? Can we predict how he will ruling thus country in the UNLIKELY events that he become the president of this nation? May be you can answer all these questions for yourself and offer a small prayer as a Christian as you get to church today or as a Moslem as you finalise your Ramadan prayers today. AS THE GOOD PROF. MILLS ONCE SAID, GHANA WILL NOT DIE. YES GHANA WILL LIVE TO CONTINUE AS THE MOST ENVIABLE NATION IN AFRICA. LONG LIVE GHANA NAD LONG LIVE THE PRESIDENT, HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMA By George E. Ekegey
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:12:27 +0000

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