WHAT IF PREZZO WAS WITNESSING ROIKO MCHUZI MIX BEING BURNT?. Did you know that (1) Dried banana leaves can be wrapped in a brown khaki paper vey well to resemble and represent stones of bhang (cannabis sativa) and more sadly during court cases, some corrupt court officials substitute bhang with dry banana leaves with the presiding magistrates/judges and accused being un aware? The real bhang is then re taken to the market to be sold. (2) Did you know that cocaine and Roicko Mchuzi Mix resemble very much in color and texture that only a laboratory test can differentiate the 2? Has it ever occurred to you that some of the heroine exhibits produced in courts are actually Roicko mchuzi mix powder in cocaine sachets with the real heroine having vanished and re introduced into the markets, and the magistrate and judges are un aware! Thanks to corrupt court officials. On July 19, 1989, perhaps the then President Daniel arap Moi never knew that it was not the real seized elephant tusks he was burning! Companies like Consumers Plastic Ltd (CPL) in Mombasa can mold plastics into objects that absolutely resemble to elephant tusks both in color, shape, size, texture and any other 5 senses endowed to a human being. Before I say thanks to President Uhuru Kenyatta for burning the ship that had cocaine worth KSH 1BN, and given the above facts, perhaps the President himself did not know what was being burnt whether it was cocaine, heroine or not I do not blame the President because I know he was pissed from the theft of his bullet proof car and frequent attacks made on Kenyan territories by Al-Shabab, Stressed by noises from CORD, Raila Amollo Odinga and referendum calls, tired from the recent trips he made to US and Ethiopia and lucked sleep because he is a digital president, compounded by those PERHAPS THE PRESIDENT WAS WITNESSING THE BURNING OF ROIKO MCHUZI MIX THINKING THAT IT WAS COCAINE BEING BURNT. hii ni Kenya my dear.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:39:13 +0000

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