WHAT INSOLENCE TO DESCRIBE GOV. OKOROCHAS WORD, POLITICIANS THINK OF NEXT ELECTION WHILE LEADERS THINK ON GENERATION AS PLAGIARISM I have read the long boring story on American history, where an anonymous writer labored in vain to brand Govs statement above as plagiarism. if I may ask, what is the difference between pas romana and pax americana. These are majorly repetition of events. There was a time Rome ruled the world with their legions on the pretense of fighting the just war. The basis of all these wars were hinged on the search for peace. Today, the United States in the same vein is pursuing world peace and freedom thereby unleashing its military might on those who contravenes those laws that affect their very principle or National interest of the United States. Let me not bore you with history of diplomacy. Does anybody own idea. Idea belongs to the society. For every idea, it must have been mooted by members of the society, which might even be inherent in their culture and tradition. Today, third world is in fight with their developed counterpart at the World Trade Organisation. What are the issues? Intellectual property. Who owns the so called intellectual property? What happened to our people who may have given the present west a clue to what the call inventions. What of the blood spilled in the cause of search for knowledge? Without much ado, it is rather unfortunate that the writer decided to claim anonymous ordinarily, I would have said he is intellectually dysfunctional or better still, a bookish indolent. We are told that research is cumulative. Again, What are the inventions of the Japanese? They are simply imitators and from their they got to where they are today. The writer should please give us anything ever invented that has not got principle before now? Can anyone tell me the latest discovery that has not ever been there and hidden by nature. In Igbo proverbs, you could a million and one proverbs meaning the same thing. I guess the writer is not only mischievous but wholly a court jester who ought be gainfully employed in the palace of Medieval English king. At issue should be whether Owelle has performed creditably well. He has not only done well but has surpassed twelve years of misrule of pdp put together. Again, if our discourse is to be put on the threshold of justice, then, we must bring to equilibrium the instrument considerable in our job. Owelle Rochas Okorocha is less than three years in office and pdp had already taken twelve years. Isnt it a shame that they measuring with Owelle of yesterday. More so, the writer unconsciously yielded to the fact that Owelle Rochas Okorocha is working by comparing him with super rich State like Akwa Ibom and others. Let me thank you for that publicity. Politicians think of next election but leaders think of next generation remains a word on the marble and thoughts that that depicts a Leader who wants to distinguish himself from the old order.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:58:42 +0000

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