WHAT IS KING JAMES “Only”?? By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman To - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS KING JAMES “Only”?? By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman To protect the apostate Bible critics on their faculty, Bob Jones University (steered by Bob Jones Jr. and Bob Jones III: 1960–1970) invented a new cliché called King James Onlyism. It was immediately adopted by every apostate, Laodicean College, Seminary, and University in America so it would go down in history as an “historic position.” (Apostate rep- robates are noted for these kinds of “strategies.”) The idea was simple: If any American Christian dared to believe that the King James Bible was “the holy scriptures” (see Dan. 10:21; 2 Tim. 3:15–16; Rom. 1:2), and thus the final authority for the Bible believer in ALL matters of “faith” (what he was to believe) and “practise” (what he was to guide his actions by), that heretic should be called a “Ruckmanite,” because that is what “Ruckman” believed. They forgot to tell anyone that “Ruckman” was one of their graduates, who earned a Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. while attending Bob Jones University. He had studied Greek and Hebrew under Charles Brokenshire and William Brunner, and had been taught (thoroughly) the manuscript evidence, textual variations, the history of the texts, the SOP of the Greek and Hebrew scholars, the products of their “labors,” and Alexandrian “families” (see Chap. 2 in The Christian’s Handbook of Bib- lical Scholarship, 1988). Ruckman should have “ma-triculated” believing that Westcott and Hort, Eugene Nida, A. T. Robertson, Vincent, Kittle, Thayer, Gesenius, Delitzsch, Aland, Zodhiates, Metzger, Schaff, and the ASV committee were GODS. I came out believing they were the source of the total destruction of Biblical Christianity in Europe and America between 1880 and 1980. I have not changed my mind since 1953. Now, who would know what “Ruckmanism” or “King James Onlyism” is better than Peter S. Ruckman? Do you think these shallow, egotistical Nicolaitanes would have any idea of what they were talking about? “I TROW NOT.” Every one of those carnal, egotistical, Bible-rejecting fools was a cloned robot programmed by the same jackass. Any 14-year-old child, in a Baptist DVBS in Texas (1920–1990), would know more about the contents of the New Testament in the universal language of the “end time” (English) than the men who taught the jackass. You will find a list of 300 of them in the Appendix of The Christian Liars’ Library(1997). So what is “KING JAMES ONLYISM?” Well, the facts—proveable in any courtroom anywhere on this earth—are: 1. For more than forty years at PBI we have used 27 different English translations which include Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, the Bishops’ Bible, the RSV and NRSV, the ASV and NASV, the NWT, NEB, CEV, TEV, “Living” Bible, Berkeley, Twentieth Century, Riverside, Phillips, Good speed, Weymouth, Lamsa, and seven others. We never stick to “King James ONLY.” 2. Overseas in Germany (5 trips), I preached from Martin Luther’s version (1914 edition). In Mexico I use Valera (1909 and, later, the 1805 edition). In Russia all the congregation used Russian Bibles, in Korea they used Korean Bibles, in India they used Indian Bibles (Telegu, Tamil, Hindi, Kan- nada, etc.). The blasphemous slander promoted by Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, Liberty University, Crown College, Tennessee Temple, Santa Rosa Christian Schools, and fifty more just like them, that “Ruckman uses only one Bible to the exclusion of all others,” is the hallucination of a mad man. All of these professional liars make their living by LYING (see the Christian’s Handbook of Biblical Scholarship, chap. 7). They lie easier than they breathe. The reason why they do, is because their academic integrity is at stake, and their integrity determines their incomes and their publicity, which is tied to their enrollments or attendance. They are genuine, pure, thoroughbred APOSTATES with a deadly disease: magnification of their own trade. It produces a terminal disease called “RUCKMAN- ITESS.” You can find it anywhere on the “web” or the “net.” The phrase “King James Onlyism” was built on the idea that “Ruckman” forbids all Christians to read or study any Bible but one Bible. The fact that this was an outrageous lie never bothered the “pros” a bit, for they were engaged in jungle warfare—the survival of the fittest. When they ran into “Ruckman,” they encountered a horrible obstacle: he wasn’t going to let them cut his throat and bury him. Ruckman was raised in the “military”—four generations of Army officers. Now, I am going to show you what REALLY was going on (1950–2000). The Scriptures will show you exactly what the real problem was and what will remain to be the real problem, no matter how long these conceited ASSES try to cover it up. Here is a judicial ruling: “Do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the TRUTH?” For 200 years, in America, this oath was taken with the witness’s hand on the English Authorized Version of the Protestant Reformation. According to all modern Bible correctors (including all translators of all English Bibles since 1880), the oath was SENSELESS, for every man on the RV committee or the RSV committee or the NASV committee (or any other committee since) believed the Book used to “swear in” the witness contained falsehood. According to them, it had plenty of falsehoods in it, so all the witnesses lied! If you put your hand today on an ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, or a NKJV, you would not only swear by ERRORS, you certainly would not swear by the “WHOLE TRUTH” on at least twenty- four occasions. Do you know what they are? I do. I will list them, and you can “check ‘em out”! I have here, before me, the English texts of the ASV (1901), the NASV (1971), the RSV of 1952, and the NRSV of 1989. Just to make sure that I “use” more than one translation, I threw in the NKJV of 1982 and the NIV of 1978. I will now show you why you could never get “THE WHOLE TRUTH” from a single version listed. If you wanted the “WHOLE TRUTH,” as well as “nothin’ but the truth,” you would be forced to pick up an ancient, out dated version in the archaic language of Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth; you certainly would NOT be able to get the “whole truth” from any other English translation (230 of them) printed since 1880. “ONLY”—did you get that word right this time?—ONLY in the King James Bible will the following truths be found. 1. The COMMAND to “search the scriptures” (John 5:39). 2. The proper way to “STUDY” the Scriptures (2 Tim. 2:15). 3. The command to avoid all “appearances” of evil— not just the deeds (1 Thess. 5:22). 4. The correct warning information that many people who “use” the Scriptures will “corrupt” them (2 Cor. 2:17). 5. That “pictures” can be dangerous to your spirituality (Num. 33:52). 6. That Moses VEILED his face while preaching to the children of Israel (Exod. 34:34–35). 7. Satan worshippers cut themselves to pay for their sins (Job 41:25; 1 Kings 8:26–28). 8. That thousands of those who left Egypt DID make it into the promised land (Heb. 3:16–17). 9. That there is such a thing as a “heretic” (see NKJV and all others in Tit. 3:10 and 1 Cor. 11:19). 10. That LEPROSY can “spot” your clothing in the Tribulation (Jude 23). 11. That you can “hold the truth” and live like the Devil at the same time (Rom. 1:18). 12. If you “CHANGED the truth of God” (Rom. 1:25), you serve and worship MAN. 13. Jesus was NOT “God’s child; He was just a “servant” (like David in the context; Acts 5:4,25,27). 14. You get POWER to turn into “an ANGEL of the Lord” (Matt. 22:30, 1 John 3:1–3; Gal. 4:14; Acts 27:23), not just “authority” (see John 1:12). 15. “The son of perdition” will be a POPE (Zech. 11:17), not just a “worthless” shepherd. 16. All apostate ministers will emphasize “GIVING”— meaning give it to the place where I draw my salary (see Hos. 4:18)! 17. The hearts of men have always been more concerned with THIS WORLD than anything eternal or anything invisible (Ecc. 3:11). 18. In Psalm 22:30, you were shown how the crucifixion was connected with God giving you a New Birth as His “seed.” It is missing so you (as Nicodemus!) could not find Psalm 89:29— which also disappeared. 19. The word “YES” (Gen. 3:1, “Yea”) has been removed in the other Bibles because it was “POSITIVE,” as was the tree that killed Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:6). Satan must never be associated with positive thinking in the Twenty-first Century. 20. In Genesis 2:18, Eve is made an EQUAL to Adam in the NKJV: “Women’s Lib.” 21. The pre-Adamic race of the “sons of God” (the “gods” of Psa. 82) has been obliterated by getting rid of the WHOLE TRUTH (see Job 38:7 and Gen. 3:5), which has also been obliterated. The WHOLE TRUTH is that the earth was repopu-lated by an Adamic race. 22. Ham’s descendants MIGHT become “servants” (NKJV, “MAY Canaan be his servant”) but only if they choose to be. The prophecy was converted into a wish (NKJV). Now these are just a handful of samples to show you that if you want the “WHOLE TRUTH,” you should never waste time with a NKJV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NIV, or anyone who recommends them. The people who recommend them are people who want: a. Partial truths, since “TRUTH” is a relative term. b. Half truths that do not offend anyone (see any “new” translation of Rom. 16:18; Acts 4:13; or 2 Cor. 11:6, 10:10). c. Truths that back up their “fundamental” doctrines. d. Errors if they “help the reader,” even though they are ERRORS and not the truth (see, for example, Elhanan killing Goliath; 2 Sam. 21:19 in the NIV). “They will not endure sound doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:3). For a really gross corruption of the truth, there is nothing like an NIV to really give you a stinking, rotten mess. If you want the “WHOLE TRUTH,” don’t ever spend time reading an NIV. Now, if you enjoy SOME truth, it contains some truths. All modern corruptions (1880–2007) contain some truth. But buddy boy, if you are looking for the “WHOLE truth and nothing BUT the truth”—I hate to say what I am about to say!—IT WILL HAVE TO BE “KING JAMES ONLY.” And there it is! Chew on it. THAT is actually what. “King James ONLYISM” means: it means you cannot get the “WHOLE truth” from any other English translation than the one produced under “a king” (Ecc. 8:4), coming from the anti-Catholic, Protestant, English Reformation (see Rev. 3:8). In the Nutty Idiot’s Version (NIV), you will find over 100 attempts to get rid of the “WHOLE TRUTH.” In these 100-plus perversions, you will find the dirty work was done to: 1. Mess up passages where salvation by grace through faith is involved. 2. To alter verses where the Virgin Birth or Deity of Christ is involved. 3. To lower yourself to the level of the reviser because he couldn’t understand the verse. 4. Alter all passages aimed at the personal sins of the revisor. A brief sample is: Psalm 9:17, 12:6–7, 19:1, 22:20, 148:4; Proverbs 12:11, 16:3, 20:6, 23:14; Genesis 1:28, 6:4, 22:8, 24:22, 43:34, 49:1,18; Exodus 3:14, 12:35, 34:7; Numbers 14:29, 21:5, 33:52; Judges 5:10,14, 9:9–13; Job 41:1; Isaiah 6:13, 9:3, 14:13–14; Jeremiah 51:34; Daniel 8:25; Hosea 12:10; Micah 5:2, etc. That is an extremely abbreviated list and coming only from the Old Testament. There are more than forty of these kind of intentional corruptions in the New Testament. I do not only “use” twenty-eight different English versions but often refer to Spanish, German, and French versions. Then, to make sure that all of my students get TWICE as much information on Bible revisors, Bible revisions, “conflated texts,” “pious additions,” itacisms, haplography, neumes, colas, commatas, titloi, and kephalia, etc. (and the rest of the godless, depraved junk!) as they do in Dallas Theological Seminary. I refer them not only to the Greek texts of Aland and Metzger, Eberhard and Erwin Nestle, and Westcott and Hort, but to the Greek texts of Tischendorf, Von Soden, Griesbach, Scrivener, and others. To make sure that no jackass at BJU or PCC can hide with Donald Waite under the “TR” or the “Dean Burgon Society,” I instruct all third-year students in the five different editions of the TR (Colineaus, Elzevier, Beza, Stephanus, and Erasmus) and compare the readings in them that conflict. I want our students to be at least TWICE as well informed as any “champion of the Textus Receptus” on earth, and THREE times better informed than any champion of the RSV, NRSV, ASV, NRSV, NIV, etc., “Bibles.” I want them to get “THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.” There is ONLY one English Bible where you can get that. And THAT is my definition of “King James ONLYISM.” Anything (and everything) contrary to that which you have heard, is nothing but the whimpering complaints of cowardly GAS BAGS. Give them what is “due” them. I’ve been doing it for fifty years.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:38:16 +0000

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