WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WHOLE CHARLIE HEBDO THING? - It is eating me up! ------ In the aftermath of all this sad events we have seen; - A man of 22 jailed for a year for posting a video mocking one of the three murdered policemen - Three men in their twenties were jailed in Toulouse for condoning terrorism - A man of 20 was jailed in Orleans for shouting long live the Kalash[(nikov] at police in a shopping centre - French comedian Dieudonne Mbala Mbala has been detained by police for making fun of the situation - He combined the Je suis Charlie (I am Charlie) slogan adopted across the world in support of the 17 victims of the Paris attacks with the name of one of the three Paris gunmen Amedy Coulibaly. ----then, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls saying that freedom of speech should not be confused with anti-Semitism, racism and Holocaust denial. ------I personally think that the worls should stop setting double standards and stop the hypocracy that comes with the people running world systems. As much as do not condone the shootings (and am sad for the families and loved ones of the people involved), we should also not endorse charlie hebdos freedom of expression as if it is absolute! All freedoms are not absolute and that is why there are arrests being made now for much the same things charlie hebdo has done in the past! The good thing in the french authorities handling of the situation is that they have not resorted to killing the culprits like the shooters did but they recognise that the freedoms are being misused and need to be curbed. ---In the past, the magazine carried a cartoon that portrayed Rwandas genocide victims (in form of skulls) spread across a screen as video game (I think this was an insult to the dead (no matter whether french officers or Rwandan people). You have the right to express yourself freely, I also have the right not to be insulted. In a world where we live, die, worship freely no matter what race or tribe, then we deserve to live in harmony by respecting our diversity. So Mr French Prime minister, it does not matter if I am Jewish, Arab, Moslem, Christian, Black, White, Atheist, dead or alive, people should not be made to believe that freedom of speech is absolute! It is one thing to support the right of Charlie Hebdo journalists to print the cartoons they did, and quite another to reprint them as an expression of support!! My full support to Charlie Hebdo, but I also have the right to disagree with your views and works. #PrayForNigeria, #EbolaIsStillKillingPeople, #JeSuisCharlie, #WeAreAllHuman, #DoNotKillMe Peter Calebs Karengera Kirenga Eric Soul Emmanuel Gyezaho Stone Atwine
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:02:01 +0000

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