WHAT NEXT: WHO WILL BE THE FROG TO RESCUE THE RAT FROM THE SEA? By Josephine Koroma No doubts the on-going clampdown on the press has shown that the most powerful individual in Sierra Leone other than the RAT has been the SEA. Yes, majority of our APC friends who are religiously committed to ASS (a name invented by the SEA) may not like to hear this but if the SEA could singularly influence the RAT to arrest, detain and charge editors of Independent Observer and then the very ASS could not even intervene to stop the RAT then the situation is hopeless. And to exert further authority the SEA even tried to influence the Police to arrest publishers and editors of other newspapers who were invited to for questioning whilst offices of newspapers were ransacked. So why is the SEA so powerful that even the RAT seems to have drowned in it whilst the very ASS has been publicly disrespected, insulted and ridiculed? Well no doubts, the RAT knows that the SEA has been exposed to so much dealings and information about his government so any attempt to remove the SEA from state house will be explosive. Even though the RAT knows that because of the roughness of the SEA many of his own APC supporters who have been sailing in his boat have lost faith in the direction of travel as the power of the SEA becomes uncontrollable. But if you think the RAT is helpless in the SEA, what about the very ASS who has received so many strokes from the SEA; from “mago-mago” for power to the use of the very derogatory word ASS. However, we all remember that famous letter from “monologue to the SEA” which was posted by one of the foot soldiers of the ASS. Such a letter reminded us that for anyone to calm the SEA you only need to bring out to public domain all those skeletons in the closet and the next day you will receive a call from the SEA trying to make peace with you. And to know how powerful the SEA is, even after the SEA received that letter from “Monologue”, she has still gone further to advice the RAT to be careful of his ASS. So the question now is: knowing very well that the SEA is so powerful, answerable only to the RAT who will be the frog that can rescue the RAT from the SEA? Well we have two candidates who we know can FROG of the RAT from the SEA to prevent the RAT from drowning. Our first candidate is the minister of information who has a documented history of reducing the SEA level when there were high tides. He has effectively demonstrated that with an interview with Global Times on Friday, July 5th 2013 when he told the newspaper about the SEA “Sylvia Blyden is a perennial liar” who feeds fat on rumours and has no regard for facts.” Also he went on that the SEA has “fallen in a quagmire of her demented imagination”. And on October 23rd 2013 we were told by the SLAJ President that the Information Minister went to the Police “on the instructions of the President” to directly “intervene” against the interest of the criminal complaint the SEA filed to police against publishers and editors. But as you would expect from the heavy SEA breeze she debunked that by saying the minister does not have that POWER to intervene. So now can the minister of information be the FROG that will rescue the drowning RAT from the high SEA level? Another potential candidate who can FROG the RAT from the SEA is the deputy minister of internal affairs. Historically, he has one of the longest press battles with the SEA and in many occasions he has successfully control the SEA when she is most rough. In fact we were once told during their press war on 25th May 2009 from his newspaper that the SEA, “through her internet outfit West Africa Dot Net (SL) with offices at 1 Lumley Road Freetown, refused to return not less than three million Leones she took from State House when trying to ingratiate herself with the new government of President Ernest Bai Koroma”. I guess that was when the SEA was trying to get hold of the RAT. The newspaper of the deputy minister wrote “On October 26th 2007, after lobbying several personalities of the new regime, West Africa Dot Net wrote a letter, signed by Acting Head of Professional Services Jonathan John, to State House requesting nine thousand two hundred dollars ($9,200.00) as fees to host and design the State House website” But that the deputy minister then as newly appointed Press Secretary did not approve the contract for the SEA. So we know the deputy minister has an abundance of political missiles of the SEA about those dirty dealings and contracts but the question is can the deputy minister FROG the RAT out of the SEA. Hence the question again is: WHO WILL BE THE FROG TO RESCUE THE RAT FROM THE SEA?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:36:48 +0000

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