WHATEVER HOMEGROWN TERRORIST HOAX OR FALSE FLAG THEY TRY TO PULL ON JULY 4TH DO NOT BELIEVE IT! Of all days to stage an attack and pin it on patriots, our Independence Day would be the perfect day, if not this year, certainly by next. All their scripted bull is becoming more easy to callout and predict. The NWO pushers can only wait so much longer before too many citizens wake up to their mounting amount of lies, thus making their NWO more difficult to achieve. The gun-grabbing, anti-patriot agenda is becoming too apparent to the masses. They will need to do something HUGE to really push their agenda over the hump they need it to get over, especially with all of the recent hoaxes and false flags being exposed. I believe it will be on the level of another 9/11 of sorts to be pinned probably on religion, mental illness, revolutionaries, free thinkers, and most importantly, gun owners. The Las Vegas shooting, I believe, was the event to break the water for what is to come. To remind the sheep of what these “constitutional extremists” (actors, agents and patsies) are capable of. I personally have believed the ‘Boston Bombings’ were originally intended to be blamed on revolutionaries all to possibly reflect our ‘Boston Tea Party’ preluding to our revolutionary war, as the event was May 5th, tax day. Too many aspects of the event went awry thus, the Tsarnaev brothers were their fallback. Their ISIS crisis is also creating the artificial excuse necessary to fuel a staged domestic attack. A perfect storm is brewing… Video: “Western counter-terrorism chiefs have warned that radicalized lone wolfs, who might have had no direct contact with al-Quida, posed as great a risk as those who carried out complex plots like the 9/11 attacks.” CAIRO -- Al-Qaidas leader on Friday marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks by calling on Muslims to strike inside the United States, with big attacks or small, using any opportunity they can to bleed America financially. In an audio message released two days after the 12th anniversary of the attacks, Ayman al-Zawahri said America is not a mythic power and that the mujahedeen – Islamic holy warriors – can defeat it with attacks on its own soil.” huffingtonpost/2013/09/13/ayman-al-zawahri-911_n_3919719.htmlfoxnews/us/2014/03/19/al-qaeda-calls-for-car-bombs-in-us-cities-other-crusader-countries/ foxnews/us/2014/03/19/al-qaeda-calls-for-car-bombs-in-us-cities-other-crusader-countries/ truth-out.org/opinion/item/24581-could-john-mccain-be-responsible-for-the-next-9-11 I have recently been residing in San Luis Obispo, about an hour or two away from the apparent Elliot Rodgers shooting. For several days, about a couple weeks before the shooting, we were getting nothing but ads asking for shooting crisis actors from ‘Youtube’ almost every time any of us would watch a video. I knew better then, and I know even better now. “We are looking for crisis actors for a government emergency drill between July 4-6th. Actors will be responsible for portraying different emergency scenarios in a simulated government terror drill. No experience is needed. Confidentiality agreements are required. Pay is $200. Please message for details.” ~Houston Craigslist - thedailysheeple/false-flag-alert-craigslist-ad-asking-for-crisis-actors-in-houston-for-july-4th_062014crisisactors.orgyoutube/watch?v=LaqaqEBoTSw “And Im telling you, be prepared for a major attack! But it wont be Osama Bin Laden. It will be those behind the New World Order, who once again, want to take the GUNS and the freedom away from the American people because WERE THE ONLY ONES LEFT IN THE WORLD WHO CAN OPPOSE THE DESTRUCTION OF FREEDOM IN THE WORLD AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A ONE WORLD, TOTALITARIAN, SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT AND THAT IS THE GOAL. And whatever is going to happen that they are going to blame on Osama Bin Laden dont you even believe it! (He was murdered in front of his own home in Arizona three weeks after this broadcast.) youtu.be/zrTjPGy2k_U thedailysheeple/united-nations-seeks-us-based-disarmament-demobilization-and-reintegration-specialists_062014
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:06:21 +0000

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