WHATS HE GONNA DO WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD IS SUFFERING WHATS HE GONNA DO HES JUST A LITTLE KID WITH A CRAZY DREAM TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER I want to take a moment and thank all of you who have believed and lifted me up in prayer, words, support, played my song on the radio, car, homes, shared it with a friend, offered up a couch on the road or a gig that helped keep the lights over the last 17 years. This song was written at a crossroad in my life on I-35 with Scott Boland in the pouring rain at 3 am.. I have wanted to quit many times along the way and once again the MIRACLE of a song or support out of NOWHERE led me to the next right step of faith and kept me moving along. This song ONE LITTLE BOY is about that kind of humility, grace,askin, prayin, faith and for me the meanin of the seaon. I wish you all the sweetest of moments with the ones you love and may you come to know when your searchin for comfort and JOy... that GOD in his Wisdom sent ONE LITTLE BOY. No matter what your faith or belief this story of one childs crazy dream to love one another can move a heart to tears..it did mine. Just like that night in the rain, last Christmas I was at a crossroad planning on quitting myself. My last gig was to share my heart in song at Christmas..it was there in the twinkling eyes of children and old folks I GOT IT ..why I am here. To sing and bring music that moves me and others to the world. I had to fight back my self doubt and those old demons that were telling me to hang it up. I had been so close so many times and never quite connected the dots. Some people had given up on me and I had given up on myself ..but grace came in and one gig led to another gig that led to my heart coming back to life . With it came the passion to resurrect the music that had gotten me through my darkest time and share it. A fire started in me and despite being uncomfortable asking for help I have been for the last 30 days. This has been such a humbling, powerful experience for me...to ask, to give and receive. Thank you all for coming along for the ride whether its for 20 years or 2 days. I am so very grateful. I apologize if my posts annoyed you about the campaign day after day but this is my heart,this is my dream and like i told those boys in Texas.. I just couldnt ,wouldnt give up on myself. For those of you who came on board to help on my indigogo campaign I THANK YOU truly from the bottom of my heart.It has brought me to tears each day to see you say YOU support me and my music. Today is the end of my FIERY ANGEL campaign to get my album out. Somehow, someway I am going to get this album and single out! I have faith! Thank you to all who have said YES and helped with your contribution...It means the world and I will carry you with me everywhere I go as I take this music out to the world. For those of you who still want to contribute heres the link. Its the Final Day with 6 hours to Go. I sure hope you enjoy this live video ... may you find COMFORT & JOY in ONE LITTLE BOY . Gracias Yal! PS..Thank you to the ANONYMOUS person who donated $1 an hour ago..I feel it..I feel you and I am so so so so grateful! https://indiegogo/…/stephanie-urbina-jone…/x/9112029 https://youtube/watch?v=4OExr3AvgEw
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:23:43 +0000

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