WHATS NOT TO LIKE ABOUT A PARTY? Old people (60+) are twice as - TopicsExpress


WHATS NOT TO LIKE ABOUT A PARTY? Old people (60+) are twice as likely to think voting is important than 18-29 year olds. Disenchantment with politics is however not reserved to the young; studies also show that the old vote out of duty and habit. It seems very likely that disengagement with the political system is at a historic high for all ages, yet, on a topic like Barnetts shark-cull, people are readily engaged. People are not inherently disengaged - just disengaged from the political system. Indeed, to be most accurate, disengaged from the two main parties - but thats a big problem because those parties govern us. The assault on local government by the Barnett Government is possible because of disengagement. Disenchanted liberals have been the loudest critics. However, there are not all that many of them. Had the Liberal party had more members, more would have been more critical and Barnett would have bee stopped. Labor have been critical of the assault by Barnett, but there is no imperative for them to state clear principles about local government. This is so because if the Barnett Government pisses off the electorate the ALP automatically inherits office. Taking a principled stand makes no electoral sense for them, and thats all that matters. Whats most important beyond internal party interests is that local government is where people are most likely to engage with the overall political process. Its the layer of government that is least constrained by party machines and the advertising pragmatism that exploits our emotions for the sake of power for the few - as opposed to seeking consensus for the sake of fairness for all. Whatever age we are, whether rich or poor, we rely on our system of government. If we allow parties to shrink (they prefer it that way) then the corruption we see so much evidence of in ICAC hearings will continue to get worse. If you have ever lived in a country where corruption is rife you would know life is vastly less enjoyable than it has been here in Australia. The fight to protect local government is a fight for the fundamentals of our system - it matters more than any issue because it is what resolves issues. If this is not compelling what is? We need to find ways to put this simple argument where people can consider it.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:19:05 +0000

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