WHEN DO WE OWN UP TO WHAT WEVE DONE? THIS NEW INFORMATION IS REALLY BAD! IF A REPUBLICAN EVEN MUMBLED THE WORD JIHAD AT A DINNER TABLE ONCE, THEYD BE TARRED AND FEATHERED. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS WITH OBAMA! In a previous post titled: IRAN COMMANDER: WHITE HOUSE IS ISIS HEADQUARTERS, I asked some VERY painful questions: In a post dated June 20th titled: OBAMA MUST BE ARRESTED & PROSECUTED FOR IMPERSONATING A PUBLIC OFFICER, the author goes into GREAT detail about Barack Obama’s status as a USURPER of the Presidency. As such, the author tells us Obama CANNOT be impeached, because only a Lawful President can be Impeached. Obama was NEVER qualified for the office of the President of the United States. Rather, Obama hijacked it. He is an IMPOSTOR… a charlatan. Even OBAMA HIMSELF ADMITS THAT HE WAS BORN IN KENYA, but we’re long passed the point of being able to do anything about it. In 1979, an article was uncovered WRITTEN BY VALERIE JARRETT’S FATHER-IN-LAW ABOUT A MUSLIM PLAN TO PURCHASE THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. If you READ that HORRIBLY disturbing article (that was written decades ago (and LONG before the years of the Obama Debacle), does the claim by an Iranian Commander that THE WHITE HOUSE IS ISIS HEADQUARTERS really seem THAT outlandish? Perhaps that alone isn’t enough. What about the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DOING NOTHING TO STOP KNOWN JIHAD TRAINING CAMPS right here in the United States? What about FORMER CIA AGENTS COMING OUT AND SAYING OBAMA IS A “RADICAL ISLAMIST” AND ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES? We have FOUR STAR ADMIRALS WHO HAVE SAID OBAMA HAS CONSPIRED WITH THE ENEMY, other members of the CIA CONFIRM OUR WORST FEARS ABOUT BARACK OBAMA, and OBAMA’S INSISTENCE THAT AMERICAN SOLDIERS BE WILLING TO FIRE ON AMERICANS… does any of that concern you? Even the NEW ARMY MANUAL DETAILS THE USE OF LETHAL FORCE ON U.S. CITIZENS, EVEN THOSE PEACEFULLY PROTESTING! AT WHAT POINT DO WE REALLY FACE THE FACTS OF WHAT WE’VE DONE? WHEN DO AMERICANS TAKE OWNERSHIP OF OUR MISTAKE? READ WHAT SENIOR CHIEF GEOFF ROSS WRITES ABOUT OBAMA’S SEALED PAST!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:00:01 +0000

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