WHEN KINGS GO TO WAR I saw in a spiritual vision, a group of - TopicsExpress


WHEN KINGS GO TO WAR I saw in a spiritual vision, a group of people who represented believers inside a building symbolizing our modern day church structure. The atmosphere was charged with activity and everyone was hustling and bustling about. Furniture was being rearranged, chairs were being stacked, new pictures replaced old ones on the wall, new carpets were being laid and fresh paint with splashes of bright color garmented the building with an updated look. Many had a sense of excitement and anticipation as though some great event were about to happen while others seemed weary from the past season of activity and battle. Some appeared to be insecure about the change that was taking place. There seemed to be a measure of conflict in the midst of the activity and yet the plans for the transformation of the building continued to go forward without retreat. THEN I SAW THE LORD I then saw the Lord ride up to the building on a large majestic white horse. He sat on the beast as a Warrior King. There were others riding with Him and although I did not see them clearly I had the impression that they were heavenly hosts. On approach of the building, double doors swung open and He entered the sanctuary in awesome divine authority. Many stood in awe as they beheld His Presence in this majestic and authoritative form while others seemed to be oblivious to the fact that He had entered. THE TIME TO FIGHT IS NOW! He pulled His sword from its sheath -- it was shining and glistening, radiating a heavenly, pulsating, glory. He looked around the room intently at each one looking for hearts who were turned towards Him (an impartation of divine strength was infused into each one who was acknowledging His presence). He then raised His sword, pointing it upward in a swift motion. With clear, precise words He declared, Come, follow Me to battle....the time to fight is now! All authority in heaven and in earth has been given unto Me...let us go now and make disciples of the nations. There are battles to be won......in righteousness and in justice we will war. Some seemed to hear the command very clearly and were eager to follow, others heard but did not want to leave the setting they were in, some were too tired and weary to go, and yet others appeared to be deaf to His voice. Only a few left with Him....only a trickle responded to His voice......would they follow later? A GREAT AND MIGHTY ARMY ......I then saw what looked like a multitude on war horses. They were riding on in battle fully arrayed in heavenly armour, glistening in the same way as I had seen the Lords sword. They were riding in rank, as one soldier, a great and mighty army....ferocious in authority....it was the army of the Lord. They were going to war...... warring against injustice.....warring against poverty, sickness, disease, death......warring against oppression of every kind....yes...in the authority of the Lord.....they were going to war. END OF VISION INTERPRETATION: 1. The changes being made to the building is symbolic of a season of transition that the Body of Christ has entered into in order to prepare for the coming move and visitation of the Lord. There is a sense of change in the Body and things are being re-arranged and re-structured as the transition is discerned. Some will be flexible and eager to facilitate change while others might resist and be uncomfortable with it. Some are weary from a past season of warfare and activity. Rest in the Lord must be taken in order to be ready for the next visitation of the Lord to His church. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. At times conflict and opposition will be evident although the transitional changes will still progress. APPEARANCE OF CHRIST 2. The appearance of Christ as a Warrior King indicates the coming of the Lord to His church in the manifestation of His awesome authority. The vision indicates that the Lord will suddenly come to His temple. Lift up your heads, O gates; and be lifted up ye ancient doors; that the King of glory may come in. (Ps 24:7) It is an hour to prepare for Him. In the vision not everyone discerned Him. This speaks to me that faith is required to see Him in this coming move. The absorption in daily affairs and church activity seemed to dull the spiritual senses of some. The deafness indicates an inability to hear His voice or to acknowledge Him due to unbelief. ANGELIC HOSTS 3. The angelic hosts that accompanied Him speaks of angelic visitations in this next move which will aid the Body of Christ in being released into battle. I had a sense that these particular angels that accompanied Christ were warrior angels. They will minister to the saints as we follow the Lord into battle. THE AUTHORITIVE POWER OF THE WORD 4. The focus on the sword in the vision indicates the exaltation of the authoritative power of the Word of God in this coming move. The Word of God is going to be wielded with a heavenly and divine reverence. The authority of the Word (Jesus) will be imputed to those who stand in His Presence and to those who discern the hour of His visitation. This part of the vision speaks of the potential empowerment that the Body of Christ will receive in order to work glorious miracles, signs and wonders in the days of harvest. A CORPORATE GLOBAL CALL 5. The call to the Body to go to war speaks of a corporate, global call to go forth in authority to war against injustice, poverty, sickness, disease, death, etc. It speaks of a season of mobilization that will be under the direction of the Warrior King Himself. WHAT THE BODY WILL BECOME 6. There was only a small response to the command and yet in the latter part of the vision there was a multitude following Him in one accord. This speaks of a small group who will respond initially but an increase of involvement as the move progresses and becomes discerned. The Body will become a mobilized united army which will manifest the glory of the Lords might, power and authority in the earth. I believe that this army will minister mercy to the oppressed and hope to the hopeless. The gospel will be proclaimed in its purest form with accompanying signs and wonders by a united, bonded Body of believers who have become an exceeding great army. KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS And I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war.........and from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations......and on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written; KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. Rev 19:11 -- 16 A Vision by Pat Cocking [email protected] ( PROPHETIC VOICES FROM AROUND THE WORLD – A Repost by Yesha Yahu - March 2014 ) Feel free to share and subscribe with fellow believers
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:14:54 +0000

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