WHO EVER YOU ARE CONTACT ME PLEASE WE SHOULD TALK Occurred : 6/1/1983 22:00 (Entered as : 06/01/83 22:00) Reported: 7/22/1998 22:30 Posted: 3/21/2003 Location: Sarasota, FL Shape: Disk Duration:17 seconds YIKES! BELIEVE IT OR NOT, AT 13 I PRAYED TO SEE A UFO AND WITHIN 3-5 MINUTES I HEARD A LOW RUMBLING SOUND FOR 15 SEC. AND THEN SAW A DISC FLOAT BY SILENTLY OUT THE WINDOW. Hard to believe still, but I was 13 reading a book on UFOs and prayed to God to see one for myself. Within 3-5 minutes I heard a sound out the open window toward the road that sounded like a cross between a semi-truck idling and a tank. After about 15 seconds and seeing nothing go by on the dirt road the sound stopped as abruptly as it had started. I then suddenly saw the upper half (the lower half was hidden by bushes between me and the driveway) of a disc-shaped craft silently glide by, its surface reflecting in the light from the carport. I saw no lights as it passed by quickly, but there were no windows at all like there would have been if it were a car, and it was made out of what looked like brushed aluminum. I watched to see if it would come back around the bend of the U-shaped driveway, but it didnt. It didnt back up because my eyes were glued (and heart nearly pumping out of my chest) to the driveway from where I was sitting at the dining room table. It couldnt go straight because it wouldve crashed into the carport. It couldnt have gone left because of the orange grove and the porch. It DIDNT go right because I wouldve seen it come around the driveway. I went out after about 5-15 minutes (I lost track of time then because I was so nervous and was trying to convince myself I was hallucinating... after all, I was wondering why God had answered my prayer so quickly!). But I just kept saying to myself, But I know that I know I saw what I saw and I heard what I heard!. I checked it all out and looked for marks on the ground in the one place that was my blind spot; the place after where I saw it pass the window, but BEFORE where it wouldve hit the carport if it had continued to go straight. Looking around and seeing only trees with their giant branches overhanging the driveway, and porches, and carports, I stood in the blind spot and discovered that the only way out from that spot was UP! A break in the tree branches was just large enough to allow a car-sized (or disc-sized) object to go through. There were no other options period! Then I knew it was the real thing. (whew!)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 04:35:41 +0000

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