WHO IS MORE INTELLIGENT? Jonathan met with the Queen of - TopicsExpress


WHO IS MORE INTELLIGENT? Jonathan met with the Queen of England. He asked her, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give to me? I want to help Nigeria. Well, said the Queen, the most important thing is to surround your self with intelligent people. Jonathan frowned, and then asked, but how do I know the people around me who are intelligent? The Queen replied, oh, thats easy, you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle. The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. Please send David Cameron in here, would you? David Cameron walked in and said, Yes, your majesty? The Queen smiled and said, Answer this riddle. David, your mother and father have a child, its not your brother and its not your sister, who is it? Without pausing for a minute David Cameron answered, That would be me. Yes, very good, said the Queen. Jonathan went back home to ask his vice president Sambo. Jonathan: Answer this. Your mother and your father have a child, its not your brother and its not your sister, who is it? Sambo: Im not sure, let me get back to you. He asked all his staff in the office but none could give him an answer. Finally, one day, VP Sambo ran into Dora Akunyili and asked her... Sambo: your mother and father have a child and its not your brother or sister, who is it? Dora answered sharply, Thats easy, its me! Sambo smiled and said Thanks. Then he went back to speak with president Jonathan. Sambo: Sir, I have the answer to that riddle. Jonathan: Yes, who is it? Sambo: Its Dora Akunyili! Jonathan got angry and said to Sambo, No wonder Nigeria isnt moving forward, Im surrounded by Dummies! The answer is David Cameron! Happy New Month Friends.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 09:34:03 +0000

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