WHO IS YOUR FATHER IN THE LORD? If you have no father in the - TopicsExpress


WHO IS YOUR FATHER IN THE LORD? If you have no father in the Lord, you will have real problems in your Christian walk. Many People are fatherless because they have refused to be fathered, God has set order and things should be done his way. Fathers should not force children to accept them as fathers there is a way God does it and he settles it himself in their heart to know who is their father, and children dont force themselves to a father, this kind of relationship comes by revelation and God establishes it, Pastors dont force people to be your sons or daughters, allow God to work out this revelation in their heart, if you force it the outcome might not be good. Play your role of a father and those who are your sons and daughters will accept you as the father. Some of the biggest role of the father is to: give birth to sons and daughters in the Lord, to love you and be an example of Gods love to you, watch over your soul, to mentor you, to teach you, to rebuke you, to guide you, to cleanse your spiritual dirtiness with Gods word, to teach you the Christian doctrine, to encourage you, to impart spiritual gifts to you, to prophesy over your life, to remind you of your calling and affirm it in your life, to prepare you adequately for your future ministry, to advice you, to help you know Gods voice, to teach you the ways of God, to constantly be in touch with you and know your progress in the Lord...and lastly to release you to move into your calling. There is lack of humility in the lives of many Christians today, people dont want to follow anybody, they want freedom so bad that they refuse to listen to their father in the Lord,...this rebellious nature might work in the worldly system but not in the Kingdom of God, in the Kingdom of God order is important. It is not foolishness to wait for your set time, if you can be humble enough to wait then you will receive the blessing of your father, you need it. Always remember that you can have many instructors but one father the Bible says. 1 Corinthians 4.15Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Now the question for you is, WHO IS YOUR FATHER IN THE LORD?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:38:05 +0000

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