WHO KILLED PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY? Edwin Kaiser contained - TopicsExpress


WHO KILLED PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY? Edwin Kaiser contained photographs of Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, Bernard Barker and David Morales in Edwins attaché case. Edwin, with his fake CIA credentials walked into the Headquarters of the CIA in Miami stole the only known photographs of the men involved in Kennedys assassination. (This is confirmed by Rudy) who drove Edwin to the CIA. Out of all the people who have been accused of killing police officer J.D. Tippit, Frank Sturgis said, it was Liddy who shot and killed that police officer in Dallas, why? Out of all the people in the world, why would Sturgis finger out Liddy for killing Tippit? In 1979 Ray Sandstrom represented Thomas Holt in a first-degree murder case. During these proceedings, Thomas Holt stated: First of all, I released Mr. Sandstrom because of lack of money, no other reason. Second of all, Your Honor, at the hearing before Judge Glickstein the statement that I made about FRANK STURGIS telling me that he ordered John F. Kennedys assassination, and upon that statement I made, he ordered a psychiatric examination. I believe that neednt to bring out the fact that Mr. FRANK STURGIS told me he murdered John F. Kennedy. There was another person in Miami he said he murdered. (Could that other person have been Edwin Kaiser). He told me E. HOWARD HUNT, Gordon Liddy and Mr. Colby, head of CIA, were all personally involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission to cover up the assassination of John Kennedy. But if you want to talk assassinations, going through the history of this country, Republicans have murdered Democrats and Democrats have murdered Republicans. STURGIS told the Rockefeller Commission that he was paid in cash. After Watergate, the FBI was unable to locate a bank account for STURGIS.[FBI 62-109060-7991 also 62-109060, 7990, 7990X, 7990X1 have been changed to 190 -709-98X3, 8805-15, 8805-16 this was announced in NARA 124-10145-10235; NARA FBI 124-10145-10231] These documents dealt with Thomas Holt. Bernard Barker who was one of the men standing behind the picket fence at Daley Plaza had fake Secret Service credentials, Barker was securing the parameter of that area so the assassin could get away as he would flash his credentials off to Dallas police officers and innocent bystanders who were getting to close to the kill zone informing people that he was Secret Service, and he was there investigating the area so the Dallas police would move the crowd away from the area Barker was at when in-fact, and according to the Secret Service, there were no agents that remain behind after the president was shot. The photographs Edwin Kaiser had would have blown the assassination case wide open proving there was in-fact a conspiracy to assassinate president John. F. Kennedy.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 23:52:51 +0000

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