WHO WILL CHART A COURSE THROUGH THE CHOPPY ECONOMIC WATERS THAT LIE AHEAD IN THE NIGERIAN FUTURE? Nigeria is such a big country with a great future that we need not retreat into a tight little ball of negativity. Who will Chart a course through the choppy economic waters that lie ahead in the Nigerian future with a steady hand and a clear cut plan for the future? The time has come for the Nigerian people to decide on our Nation’s future because we are the ones who they in government are elected to serve. If as a nation we fail to manage the situation before us well, it will hurt us more and cause us to not only be out of jobs more with very poor living standards for all Nigerians, and cause us to drift more towards anarchy. This election will be about who the Nigerian people trust to best lead them through the difficult new security challenges which now lie ahead. New challenges brought about by mistrust of our leaders by the led that have given rise to bloodletting here and there, those new challenges have to be confronted by us through our votes. This election will also be about who the Nigerian people trust to steer our economy through the great economic transition lies ahead. This election will be about who the Nigerian people best judge to get the balance right. The situations that lie ahead will be difficult – but are definitely do-able. By keeping our economy strong while at the same time, protecting lives and properties, creating jobs, ensuring we have fair wages and fair conditions, continuing to invest in health and education and above all ensuring there’s a fair go for all whether you are a Christian or a Muslim. The new security challenges facing our country will require new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, and new ways of planning. If we have decided to vote President Goodluck Jonathan as we agreed, it is not going to be taken for granted, let him give us an explicit plan on how to return peace to our nation before and after his election. Other Candidates that are yet to emerge should also release a blueprint of their own plan so that we compare notes, this is because the youths know that the old politics of the past just won’t work for the future and we cannot face the future by mere political gamble and sentiments. From North to South, Negative personal politics doesn’t create a single new job; negativity doesn’t build a single new school. The old politics of division between North and South or Muslim and Christians cannot build a single hospital or provide shelter to the homeless wanderers of the nation. Clinging to the past is not going help build a Nigeria of the future. Nigerians need a new way of dealing with the new challenges we face in the future, and at this election the Nigerian people will decide who they trust best to navigate the way through so that we can have our absolute best shot at maintaining our living standards, and our prosperity and our security. Elections are both about records of those proposing to lead and about their plans for the future of the nation. So, who among those aspiring to lead us will bring innovation to Nigeria? Who will help make and keep our economy strong? Think before you Vote. Elections are about judgments of our record just as they are about our plans for the future. We need a President that will unlock the potential which lies in each individual member of this great country called Nigeria so that we become the best we possibly can. The economy must be strong in order for the country to do everything else. For a stronger Nigeria in the future, we must broaden the economic base, diversify our economy not just depend on oil. What happened to Nigerian soil that there are no more Groundnut Pyramids in the North? What happened to our Cocoa, Cotton and Palm proceeds which were critical for business, for jobs and for managing cost of living pressures for Nigerian families as well? We need a leader who understands how much we need fresh investment in agribusiness because there are rich opportunities for Nigeria in satisfying the new food demands of World. We are asking you, the Nigerian people, those of who support our demand for a new way of handling the challenges we face in the future to think well before vote anybody as our next leader at all levels, whether as president or as governor or as a Senator, House of Assembly or House of Reps. Ask necessary questions, take necessary actions to bring change to Nigeria. Whether you support Goodluck Jonathan, Atiku or Buhari of whomever, try to find out what their economic plans for the future of Nigeria are? We need each and every one of you to volunteer your time, your effort, your enthusiasm and support our drive to keep Nigerian future safe because it is only through the power of you the people that we will prevail in this election. We in APGA are spending time, energy and money to bring out those who are our first eleven as a Senator, House of Reps. and House of Assembly representatives; we are doing that carefully because we need people who can contribute to the type of future we yearn for in Nigeria. We have enormous confidence in the sound judgments of the Nigerian people, it is now time for the Nigerian people to decide what our future will look like, do not waste your chance of joining hands to pull Nigeria up and push her up to where she should be. Your Vote can do it, Vote wisely. PRO APGA FRONT.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:36:36 +0000

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