WHY ARE OUR WOMEN SO QUICK TO INITIATE VIOLENT CONFRONTATIONS? If we are to be honest with ourselves on the Domestic Violence issue, we would put a female face on the batterer, not a male face, based on an extensive literature data and studies that have existed for the past 30 years. An Harvard study actually found that women are responsible for 70% of all domestic violence. Thats too huge a number for it to be simply swept under the rug. Other studies have revealed similarly troubling numbers. Sociologists Richard Gelles, Murray A. Straus and Suzanne Steinmetz have known since the 1970s, through well-documented research, that women committed serious assaults against their partners at either the same rates or even at higher rates. And yet, the images we associate with domestic violence depict the male as batterer and the female as victim. But that is clearly not the case. Many studies have shown that men make up as much as 40% of all domestic assault injuries and DEATHS, despite of the fact that humans are dimorphic (men being bigger in size). You take away human dimorphism, and the deaths and injuries suffered by men would be significantly higher. So, what is the real reason for the blatant dishonesty? Perhaps even more importantly, by refusing to have an HONEST discussion about domestic violence, we continue to do a great disservice to REAL LEGITIMATE VICTIMS of domestic assault, and that is men and women who have suffered injuries and deaths not because they INITIATED the confrontation, but because their spouses or significant others are LEGITIMATE BATTERERS WHO INITIATED THE VIOLENT CONFRONTATION. Those are the real victims, and Janay Rice is clearly not one of them. Moreover, we have to ask ourselves as a nation, why are our women so quick to INITIATE VIOLENT CONFRONTATION? Is the culture at large encouraging the behavior by failing to hold them accountable? And if so, is it by design?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:16:27 +0000

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