******WHY DO OTHER COUNTRIES RESOLVE ISSUES THROUGH REFRENDUM BUT NOT NIGERIA???****** The criminal Junta (some of them today masquerading as democrats) that re-created Nigeria in 1966, basically took away the fundamental civil, legal and legitimate rights of the Aboriginal Natives of Nigeria through the barrels of their guns especially Our rights to be represented by Our God Created Identities. Technically we remain in bounds fathomed by these criminal. There is high need to break this bound which represents sorrow, tears and blood. We have to vigorously follow the example below which places social contract above dictatorship: 1975: UK embraces Europe in referendum British voters have backed the UKs continued membership of the European Economic Community by a large majority in the countrys first nationwide referendum. Just over 67% of voters supported the Labour governments campaign to stay in the EEC, or Common Market, despite several cabinet ministers having come out in favour of British withdrawal. The result was later hailed by Prime Minister Harold Wilson as a historic decision. For him the victory came after a long and bruising campaign against many in his own party, following Labours promise to hold a vote in its general election manifesto last October. Faced with the referendum question, Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)? Britons voted Yes in most of the 68 administrative counties, regions and Northern Ireland. Only Shetland and the Western Isles voted against the EEC. It puts the uncertainty behind us Home Secretary Roy Jenkins When the result was beyond doubt, the leaders of the pro-Europe camp emerged from private celebrations to thank campaign workers for their efforts. Home Secretary Roy Jenkins said: It puts the uncertainty behind us. It commits Britain to Europe; it commits us to playing an active, constructive and enthusiastic role in it. The Conservatives were also campaigning to stay in the Common Market. Margaret Thatcher, elected Tory leader last February, said the Yes vote would not have happened without the Oppositions support for it. Former Prime Minister Edward Heath said: Ive worked for this for 25 years, I was the prime minister who led Britain into the community and Im naturally delighted that the referendum is working out as it is. Members of the No campaign accepted their defeat and promised to work constructively within the EEC. Industry Secretary Tony Benn, who had come under criticism from the prime minister during the campaign, said: When the British people speak everyone, including members of Parliament, should tremble before their decision and thats certainly the spirit with which I accept the result of the referendum. The trade union movement led by the TUC was also opposed to remaining in Europe and had boycotted key advisory positions in Brussels and Luxembourg since Britain joined in 1973. TUC General-Secretary Len Murray said the boycott would be lifted but he remained adamantly opposed to the EEC. Many of the most imprtant decisions about our future can only be taken here in Britain, he said. Former PM Edward Heath and Home Secretary Roy Jenkins Pro-Europe campaigners Edward Heath and Roy Jenkins welcomed the result, In Context Britain under Prime Minister Edward Heath had joined the EEC in January 1973 when the Treaty of Rome was signed. Labours general election manifesto of October 1974 committed Labour to allow people the opportunity to decide whether Britain should stay in the Common Market on renegotiated terms, or leave it entirely. In the run-up to the referendum the prime minister announced that the government had decided to recommend a yes vote. But it emerged that the cabinet had split, with seven of its 23 members seeking withdrawal. The no faction included Michael Foot, Secretary of State of Employment and Tony Benn, Industry Secretary. In 1996 billionaire businessman Sir James Goldsmith, who was against the Maastricht Treaty, set up the Referendum Party to campaign for a referendum on the European Union. He spent £20m on the 1997 general election campaign but only managed to achieve 3% of the vote. In 2005 the state of the European Union reached a critical point in its history after referenda in France and the Netherlands saw voters reject the latest EU constitution.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:56:29 +0000

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