WHY I DO NOT BELIEVE PSEUDO-PAN AFRICANISTS A handful of sanctimonious humbugs are constantly harping about African unity and independence from the West. Anyone who challenges them is seen as a Western stooge who has been brain-washed. They see every problem only through one lens: neo-colonialism. But they support colonialism if it comes from China, Russia or Cuba because they perceive these to be opposed to the West. I take exception to these loud mouths for the following reasons. If you are against colonialism you should condemn and not condone it no matter where it is coming from. They choose and pick what colonial heritage to adopt. They accept the present state boundaries and languages (if the language is the one they use in their political and economic transactions), they wear Western cloths, adopt Western citizenships, drive Western cars, use Western media/ICT, marry in Western style, celebrate anniversaries in Western style, bury their dead in Western style and identify themselves with the colonial names they were given. In fact they live their lives and die in Western style while asking others to be wary of this same West. Who are they kidding? Some of the loudest mouths work or worked all their lives for institutions of Western economic or political domination. They reject the idea of for example, defending the English language in some countries because it is a colonial language but they do so in French which is another colonial language. If you support the state as it now (Westphalian state structure is a Western creation) then people should be free to defend a colonial identity such as the English language. After all identities are not fixed, they are acquired, adapted, developed and abandoned. For example, there were no dane guns for firing at funerals in some countries before the colonisers brought the gun and gun powder but today without a dane gun there will be no funerals in some African societies. Just over 2,000 years ago there was no Christianity or Islam - these were established through conquests and today we accept our religious identities and all that comes with them such as names and lifestyles. But you hear pseudo-Pan-Africanists talking about African Traditional Religions - which one may I ask? Zulus, Berbers, Igbos, Bushmen, Yorubas, Hausas, Fulbe, Pygmies, Highlanders, Tikars, Black Arabs, etc. all have or had different religious believes. Are these African religions or different tribal cultures and beliefs branded as African? Do the Berbers or Pygmies self-define their practices as their culture/tradition or African? How do they feel about other Africans oppressing them in the name of African traditions and banning or marginalising their languages? Talking about oppression. Fake Pan-Africanists support dictatorial and oppressive regimes if they spot economic benefits in doing so. The struggles of oppressed minorities such as the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert and pastoralists dont concern them. The struggles of Muslim women in Sudan or African girls fighting against Female Genital Mutilation or Breast Ironing or liberation of Western Sahara dont matter. These are oppressive African arrangements oppressing Africans. Just blame the West!!! Is not a question of getting African Unity first and respect for the human later - is a matter of doing both now. A united Africa is no good to a girl facing the prospect of a cruel and barbaric cut now. A refugee from the Central African Republic escaping from African militias needs food shelter and medicines now so is not a question of sacrificing their survival needs for a grand utopian ideology. Double standards in the exercise of power has been there before Soundiata, Machiavelli, Plato and Aristotle and will continue to be there so it is utopian to believe that politics and power games will disappear over night. Fake Pan-Africanist conspiracy theorists make a living out of pedalling conspiracy theories and Western bashing. They survive by predicting the demise of Europe or America while glorifying Eastern domination. If you are a true Pan-Africanist then practice what you preach - change your lifestyle and convince me why some one struggling for survival and existence on daily basis should bother about African unity. Practice the African values of modesty, respect and consensus - stop insulting and disrespecting people who disagree with you. Until then it is difficult to believe people just because they shout loudest or have a substantial group of cheer-leaders. Hitler had a large following so does Al Quaida and KK Clan and the Tea Party. Having enthusiastic supporters is not the only measure of the worthiness of a cause ...
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:25:07 +0000

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