WHY IlLL START VLOGGING & UNITING YOU...ME...US... LIFE-HONORING PEOPLE TO TAKE ON TOXIC POLITICS IN 2015: For 20 years the one and only Conference of Parties by the UN set up to solve the problem of climate change has been held hostage by corporations & toxic political players whose aim was to derail and delude discourse on their emissions, their logging, their toxins destabilizing the ecosystem. How can the greedy solve the problem of broken-by-greed? Play reformed sinner, erode culpability or even better flat out deny! --- and then get police to arrest environmental activists for promoting real solutions. How can they do that? Just get the corporate media to write about the activists as if THEY are the eco-terrorists obstructing upright business-politician folks from doing their work. The very players that are causing ecological devastation have been allowed to sit at the negotiation table as participants - masking themselves under the name BCSD (business council for sustainable development) ICC (international Chamber of Commerce) and the lobby groups like the American Petroleum Institute API. Fossil-fuel money reaches far and the players that actually do want to bring policy of restraint of harm and banning harmful production-lines are co-opted or marginalized or otherwise bought or silenced. These lobby-for-death-by-industry-folks are now so arrogant to predict the derailing and ineffectiveness of COP21. SEE VIDEO - LETS PROVE THEM WRONG, RECLAIM THE POLITICAL DOMAIN, EXPOSE THEIR LIES, UNITED WE CAN DO IT (as individuals we get lost in learned helplessness). After 20 years of these derailers sitting at the table putting their stamp, their authority and their supremacy over governmental decision-making - and becoming governmental decision-makers - it is time for a GAME CHANGER! With global collapse at our doorstep, inaction degrading our present and possibly losing our future forever what more do you need to start connecting with other activists, teachers, healers, scientists, artists, farmers, indigenous people around the world to GET STRATEGIC IN FULL SPECTRUM ACTIVISM - there is room for everyone... with their skills... united in affinity groups... working within a network...uniting a bigger movement. There are concrete targets we need to hit: Polluter pays policy (see Naomi Kleins latest book for explanation) lowering global emissions by 10% each year starting now...(daunting but a as real as reality can get reality we have to face if we want to ensure to make it on this planet) and a good legally binding deal leading to complete fossil-fuel-free-ness. Ecocide law has to be put in place to replace politics of postmodern-colonization and enslavement of the earth and introduce a true duty of care. Addressing the ecological collapse we are now facing will need redesigning pretty much everything we do in life: agriculture that destroys top soil needs to be replaced by cultivating food in accordance with replenishment of the vitality of the land. From food to healthcare. There is a lot to change - a lot to gain. A lot to heal. It means unlearning our capitalist culture of chasing to obtain for ever more and learn the lesson that life works differently: The more you put into it, the more you get out of it... its all about GIVING to your community... that creates thriving... together - not at the expense of destabilizing or enslaving the other. We the average girl or boy next door are many and we can not let business as usual - the business of the rich financial elite having the divine right to land grab, rape, poison and kill the locals that live on that land - go on any longer! PARIS is the time to make history... so we will have a future! JOIN/SUPPORT/SHARE/LEARN/ACT/UNITE a million voices - together we can do it! I Will start posting videos sharing vision, research, interviews with organizers, encouragements, spotlighting international organizations you can join in action - and hoping to do interviews with special guests soon. Also looking forward to address questions in a Q&A section of vlog. EXITING!!! new years resolution: unite 1 million voices in effective action to make history in Paris - Lets make 2015 count! Will you help me take a stand for life on/of earth? https://youtube/watch?v=9JqDw9EC9n4
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:49:42 +0000

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